Text and Shape Position is Changed in Footer of PDF using .NET


One of our customers has spotted what seems to be a bug with footer text going missing when Aspose.Words saves a Word doc to a PDF. This might relate to this other bug which I posted about last week, or be another example of it, but the symptoms aren’t exactly the same. I can reproduce this issue with Aspose.Words

I’ve attached an example Word doc which has a first page footer and a regular footer, both including some text which is a doc-property field followed by a page number field. The footers also have objects anchored in them, which have various text-wrapping options. When Aspose.Words opens and saves as PDF (sample code also attached), the regular footer text, meaning the text which isn’t included in any of the text boxes, isn’t included in either footer. I’m guessing it’s somehow incorrectly being pushed off the edge of the page, but that’s just a guess.

We think we can give the customer a workaround by suggesting they change some wrapping options for some of the objects in their document template, which seems to result in Aspose converting it more accurately, but it still seems to be an Aspose bug as far as I can tell.

aspose_footer_wrapping_problem_example.zip (2.5 MB)

In the attached ZIP file I’ve included some sample code from a .NET Console app, which really just has it loading a Word doc and saving as PDF. I’ve also included a Word doc that reproduces the problem, a screenshot of the relevant part of the Word doc opened in Word 365, and a PDF I’ve generated with the sample code.

Thanks for the help.


We have tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the following issues at our end.

WORDSNET-21417 : Text and Shape position is changed in the footer of output PDF
WORDSNET-21418 : Text and Page field is lost in the footer of output PDF

You will be notified via this forum thread once these issues are resolved. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Thanks, Tahir.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-21417,WORDSNET-21418) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 23.5 update also available on NuGet.