Text Effects are not rendered in PDF/PNG output of slides


I am using Aspose.slides v17.3 to generate PDF/PNG of a slide. When text effects are applied on some text in the slide, they are not rendered in the PDF/PNG output.

Following code has been used to generate the PDF:
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("test.pptx");
int index[] = {1};
presentation.save("response.pdf", index, SaveFormat.Pdf);

Following code has been used to generate the PNG:
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("test.pptx");
ISlide slide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);
BufferedImage sldImg = slide.getThumbnail(1, 1);
File file = new File("response.png");
ImageIO.write(sldImg, "png", file);

Can you please analyse this issue.


Hi Neha,

I have worked with source presentation shared by you and regret to share that currently the requested effects are not supported in Aspose.Slides for Java. I have created following issues for your convenience that are linked with this thread so that you can be automatically notified once the features will be available.

  • An issue with ID SLIDESJAVA-36383 has been created to resolve Rotation Effects issues.
  • An issue with ID SLIDESJAVA-36382 has been created to resolve Glow Effects issues.
  • An issue with ID SLIDESJAVA-36384 has been created to resolve Reflection Effects issues.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-36382,SLIDESJAVA-36383,SLIDESJAVA-36384) have been fixed in this update.