Text Gets Cut Off when Converting PowerPoint Presentation to PDF in C++

When converting a pptx file to pdf on the current Aspose Slides C++ v21.3, I notice that some of the text get cut off. Can you help fix the issue please?

oid_2_619121570.zip (394.4 KB)

Thank you for your request. Unfortunately, I have not managed to reproduce the issue with Aspose.Slides for C++ 21.3. I received the correct result: oid_2_619121570_2-out.pdf (14.6 KB).
Could you share a code example reproducing the problem, please?

Hi @Andrey_Potapov,
Thank you for your help to investigate this issue! The code I use is based on https://github.com/aspose-slides/Aspose.Slides-for-C/blob/master/Examples/SlidesCPP/ConvertToPDF.cpp, just replacing the path to the pptx file.

Unfortunately, I haven’t managed to reproduce the error. Could you describe the environment (OS version, etc.) for the issue, please?

@Andrey_Potapov I’m using CentOS Linux release 8.0.1905 and clang version 9.0.1. Are there other environment-dependent libraries that Aspose Slides depend on?

Thank you for the additional information. I’ve logged the issue in our tracking system with ID SLIDESCPP-2888 . Our development team will investigate it. I will inform you about any progress.

I will answer this question for you later. Thank you for your patience.


All dependencies are described in ThirdPartyLicenses-Aspose.Slides for C++.pdf document (this document has been included in the Aspose.Slides package). But these libraries are included in Aspose.Slides distribution. Please note that some items (fonts, graphics, etc.) may be displayed slightly differently for different versions of Windows, even for the same version of .NET Framework, for example. So between different operating systems, the more these differences can be.

Our development team investigated the issue you described. This issue occurs due to the lack of the Bahnschrift font used in the presentation. To solve this problem, the font should be installed on the system. Another way is using the FontsLoader class as below:

// The folder with a bahnschrift font file
const String fontsPath = u"fonts/";
ArrayPtr<String> folders = System::MakeObject<Array<String>>(1, fontsPath);

// Load the custom font directory fonts

SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(u"oid_2_619121570_2.pptx");
pres->Save(u"oid_2_619121570_2_aspose.pdf", Export::SaveFormat::Pdf);


More details: Custom Font
API Reference: FontsLoader Class