Text in multiple language get printed as question mark(?)

Hi Team, we are using aspose word 24.1 with json data source n our project, where we are trying to generate a report in multiple language where we will get the data in specific language only. So i was doing some POC with some sample data and found few on language is working as expected in windows localhost but its failing in our server(Linux) and get printed as ? , Chinese and Japanese is not working at all in both of the env. Attached the files here for your reference -
testtemplate.zip (82.2 KB)

@anupkrsinha I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. I used the following simple code for testing:

JsonDataSource dataSource = new JsonDataSource("C:\\Temp\\testLanguageJson.json");
Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\in.docx");
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.buildReport(doc, dataSource);

Here are output documents:
out.docx (11.3 KB)
out.pdf (48.5 KB)

The problem on your side might occur because the fonts used the documents are not available in the environment where documents are converted. To build an accurate document layout the fonts are required. If Aspose.Words cannot find the fonts used in the document the fonts are substituted . This might lead into the layout differences due to differences in fonts metrics. You can implement IWarningCallback to get a notification when font substitution is performed.
The following articles can be useful for you:

could you please share the font set you using for this document translation for all the languages

@anupkrsinha I tested on the Windows machine and here is the list of fonts available on my side:

Agency FB Bold
Agency FB
Aharoni Bold
Alef Bold
Alef Regular
Amiri Quran Regular
Angsana New
Angsana New Bold
Angsana New Bold Italic
Angsana New Italic
AngsanaUPC Bold
AngsanaUPC Bold Italic
AngsanaUPC Italic
Book Antiqua Bold
Book Antiqua Bold Italic
Book Antiqua Italic
Aparajita Bold
Aparajita Bold Italic
Aparajita Italic
Arabic Typesetting
Arial Bold
Arial Bold Italic
Arial Italic
Arial Narrow
Arial Narrow Bold
Arial Narrow Bold Italic
Arial Narrow Italic
Arial Nova Bold
Arial Nova Bold Italic
Arial Nova Italic
Arial Nova Light
Arial Nova Light Italic
Arial Nova
Arial Nova Cond Bold
Arial Nova Cond Bold Italic
Arial Nova Cond Italic
Arial Nova Cond Light
Arial Nova Cond Light Italic
Arial Nova Cond
Arial Unicode MS
Arial Black
Arial Rounded MT Bold
Baskerville Old Face
Bauhaus 93
Bell MT
Bell MT Bold
Bell MT Italic
Bernard MT Condensed
BIZ UDGothic Bold
BIZ UDPGothic Bold
BIZ UDGothic
BIZ UDMincho Medium
BIZ UDPMincho Medium
Book Antiqua
Bodoni MT Bold
Bodoni MT Bold Italic
Bodoni MT Black Italic
Bodoni MT Black
Bodoni MT Condensed Bold
Bodoni MT Condensed Bold Italic
Bodoni MT Condensed Italic
Bodoni MT Condensed
Bodoni MT Italic
Bodoni MT Poster Compressed
Bodoni MT
Bookman Old Style
Bookman Old Style Bold
Bookman Old Style Bold Italic
Bookman Old Style Italic
Bradley Hand ITC
Britannic Bold
Berlin Sans FB Bold
Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold
Berlin Sans FB
Browallia New
Browallia New Bold
Browallia New Bold Italic
Browallia New Italic
BrowalliaUPC Bold
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic
BrowalliaUPC Italic
Brush Script MT Italic
Bookshelf Symbol 7
Caladea Bold
Caladea Bold Italic
Caladea Italic
Calibri Bold
Calibri Italic
Calibri Light
Calibri Light Italic
Calibri Bold Italic
Californian FB Bold
Californian FB Italic
Californian FB
Calisto MT
Calisto MT Bold
Calisto MT Bold Italic
Calisto MT Italic
Cambria Math
Cambria Bold
Cambria Italic
Cambria Bold Italic
Candara Bold
Candara Italic
Candara Light
Candara Light Italic
Candara Bold Italic
Cascadia Code Regular
Cascadia Mono Regular
Century Schoolbook
Citi Sans Display Bold Italic
Citi Sans Display Bold
Citi Sans Display Regular Italic
Citi Sans Display Regular
Citi Sans Table Condensed Regular Italic
Citi Sans Table Condensed Regular
Citi Sans Table Text Bold Italic
Citi Sans Table Text Bold
Citi Sans Table Text Regular Italic
Citi Sans Table Text Regular
Citi Serif Display Regular Italic
Citi Serif Display Regular
Colonna MT
Comic Sans MS
Comic Sans MS Bold
Comic Sans MS Italic
Comic Sans MS Bold Italic
Consolas Bold
Consolas Italic
Consolas Bold Italic
Constantia Bold
Constantia Italic
Constantia Bold Italic
Cooper Black
Copperplate Gothic Bold
Copperplate Gothic Light
Corbel Bold
Corbel Italic
Corbel Light
Corbel Light Italic
Corbel Bold Italic
Cordia New
Cordia New Bold
Cordia New Bold Italic
Cordia New Italic
CordiaUPC Bold
CordiaUPC Bold Italic
CordiaUPC Italic
Courier New
Courier New Bold
Courier New Bold Italic
Courier New Italic
Curlz MT
David Bold
David CLM Bold
David CLM Bold Italic
David CLM Medium
David CLM Medium Italic
David Libre Bold
David Libre Regular
DengXian Regular
DengXian Bold
DengXian Light
Dubai Bold
Dubai Light
Dubai Medium
Dubai Regular
Ebrima Bold
Elephant Italic
EmojiOne Color SVGinOT
Engravers MT
Eras Bold ITC
Eras Demi ITC
Eras Light ITC
Eras Medium ITC
Estrangelo Edessa
Felix Titling
Franklin Gothic Book
Franklin Gothic Book Italic
Franklin Gothic Demi
Franklin Gothic Demi Cond
Franklin Gothic Demi Italic
Franklin Gothic Heavy
Franklin Gothic Heavy Italic
Franklin Gothic Medium
Franklin Gothic Medium Cond
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic
Frank Ruehl CLM Bold
Frank Ruehl CLM Bold Oblique
Frank Ruehl CLM Medium
Frank Ruehl CLM Medium Oblique
Freestyle Script
French Script MT
Footlight MT Light
Gadugi Bold
Garamond Bold
Garamond Italic
Gautami Bold
Gentium Basic Bold
Gentium Basic Bold Italic
Gentium Basic Italic
Gentium Basic
Gentium Book Basic Bold
Gentium Book Basic Bold Italic
Gentium Book Basic Italic
Gentium Book Basic
Georgia Bold
Georgia Italic
Georgia Pro Black
Georgia Pro Black Italic
Georgia Pro Bold
Georgia Pro Bold Italic
Georgia Pro Cond Black
Georgia Pro Cond Black Italic
Georgia Pro Cond Bold
Georgia Pro Cond Bold Italic
Georgia Pro Cond Italic
Georgia Pro Cond Light
Georgia Pro Cond Light Italic
Georgia Pro Cond
Georgia Pro Cond Semibold
Georgia Pro Cond Semibold Italic
Georgia Pro Italic
Georgia Pro Light
Georgia Pro Light Italic
Georgia Pro
Georgia Pro Semibold
Georgia Pro Semibold Italic
Georgia Bold Italic
Gill Sans MT Bold Italic
Gill Sans MT Bold
Gill Sans MT Condensed
Gill Sans MT Italic
Gill Sans Nova Bold Italic
Gill Sans Nova Bold
Gill Sans Nova Cond Bold Italic
Gill Sans Nova Cond Bold
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd Italic
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd
Gill Sans Nova Cond Italic
Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt Italic
Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt
Gill Sans Nova Cond
Gill Sans Nova Cond Ultra Bold
Gill Sans Nova Italic
Gill Sans Nova Light Italic
Gill Sans Nova Light
Gill Sans Nova
Gill Sans Nova Ultra Bold
Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed
Gill Sans Ultra Bold
Gill Sans MT
Gisha Bold
Gloucester MT Extra Condensed
Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold
Century Gothic
Century Gothic Bold
Century Gothic Bold Italic
Century Gothic Italic
Goudy Old Style
Goudy Old Style Bold
Goudy Old Style Italic
Goudy Stout
Harlow Solid Italic
Microsoft Himalaya
HoloLens MDL2 Assets
High Tower Text
High Tower Text Italic
Imprint MT Shadow
Informal Roman
Ink Free
Iskoola Pota
Iskoola Pota Bold
Blackadder ITC
Edwardian Script ITC
Kristen ITC
Javanese Text
Juice ITC
Kalinga Bold
Kartika Bold
Khmer UI
Khmer UI Bold
Kokila Bold
Kokila Bold Italic
Kokila Italic
Kunstler Script
Lao UI
Lao UI Bold
Latha Bold
Wide Latin
Lucida Bright
Lucida Bright Demibold
Lucida Bright Demibold Italic
Lucida Bright Italic
Lucida Calligraphy Italic
Leelawadee UI Bold
Leelawadee Bold
Leelawadee UI
Leelawadee UI Semilight
Lucida Fax Regular
Lucida Fax Demibold
Lucida Fax Demibold Italic
Lucida Fax Italic
Lucida Handwriting Italic
Liberation Mono Bold
Liberation Mono Bold Italic
Liberation Mono Italic
Liberation Mono
Lucida Sans Regular
Lucida Sans Demibold Roman
Lucida Sans Demibold Italic
Lucida Sans Italic
Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular
Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold
Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique
Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique
Lucida Console
Levenim MT
Levenim MT Bold
Lucida Sans Unicode
Magneto Bold
Maiandra GD
Sakkal Majalla
Sakkal Majalla Bold
Malgun Gothic
Malgun Gothic Bold
Malgun Gothic Semilight
Mangal Bold
Matura MT Script Capitals
Meiryo Italic
Meiryo UI
Meiryo UI Italic
Meiryo Bold
Meiryo Bold Italic
Meiryo UI Bold
Meiryo UI Bold Italic
Microsoft Sans Serif
Miriam CLM Bold
Miriam CLM Book
Miriam Mono CLM Bold
Miriam Mono CLM Bold Oblique
Miriam Mono CLM Book
Miriam Mono CLM Book Oblique
Myanmar Text
Myanmar Text Bold
Modern No. 20
Mongolian Baiti
Miriam Fixed
MS Gothic
MS UI Gothic
MS PGothic
Microsoft JhengHei
Microsoft JhengHei UI
Microsoft JhengHei Bold
Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold
Microsoft JhengHei Light
Microsoft JhengHei UI Light
MS Mincho
MS PMincho
Microsoft Uighur Bold
Microsoft Uighur
Microsoft YaHei
Microsoft YaHei UI
Microsoft YaHei Bold
Microsoft YaHei UI Bold
Microsoft YaHei Light
Microsoft YaHei UI Light
Microsoft Yi Baiti
Monotype Corsiva
MT Extra
MV Boli
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Italic
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Medium
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Medium Italic
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Bold
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Bold Italic
Niagara Engraved
Niagara Solid
Nirmala UI
Nirmala UI Bold
Nirmala UI Semilight
Noto Kufi Arabic Bold
Noto Kufi Arabic
Noto Mono
Noto Naskh Arabic Bold
Noto Naskh Arabic
Noto Naskh Arabic UI Bold
Noto Naskh Arabic UI
Noto Sans Bold
Noto Sans Bold Italic
Noto Sans Condensed
Noto Sans Condensed Bold
Noto Sans Condensed Bold Italic
Noto Sans Condensed Italic
Noto Sans Italic
Noto Sans Light
Noto Sans Light Italic
Noto Sans Regular
Noto Sans Arabic Bold
Noto Sans Arabic Regular
Noto Sans Arabic UI Bold
Noto Sans Arabic UI Regular
Noto Sans Armenian Bold
Noto Sans Armenian Regular
Noto Sans Georgian Bold
Noto Sans Georgian Regular
Noto Sans Hebrew Bold
Noto Sans Hebrew Regular
Noto Sans JP Black
Noto Sans JP Bold
Noto Sans JP ExtraBold
Noto Sans JP ExtraLight
Noto Sans JP Light
Noto Sans JP Medium
Noto Sans JP Regular
Noto Sans JP SemiBold
Noto Sans JP Thin
Noto Sans Lao Bold
Noto Sans Lao Regular
Noto Sans Lisu Regular
Noto Serif Bold
Noto Serif Bold Italic
Noto Serif Condensed
Noto Serif Condensed Bold
Noto Serif Condensed Bold Italic
Noto Serif Condensed Italic
Noto Serif Italic
Noto Serif Light
Noto Serif Light Italic
Noto Serif Regular
Noto Serif Armenian Bold
Noto Serif Armenian Regular
Noto Serif Georgian Bold
Noto Serif Georgian Regular
Noto Serif Hebrew Bold
Noto Serif Hebrew Regular
Noto Serif Lao Bold
Noto Serif Lao Regular
Microsoft New Tai Lue
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold
OCR A Extended
Old English Text MT
MS Outlook
Palatino Linotype
Palatino Linotype Bold
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic
Palatino Linotype Italic
Palace Script MT
Perpetua Bold Italic
Perpetua Bold
Perpetua Italic
Perpetua Titling MT Bold
Perpetua Titling MT Light
Microsoft PhagsPa
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold
Plantagenet Cherokee
Poor Richard
Raavi Bold
Rage Italic
Reem Kufi Bold
Reem Kufi Regular
MS Reference Sans Serif
MS Reference Specialty
Rockwell Condensed Bold
Rockwell Condensed
Rockwell Bold
Rockwell Bold Italic
Rockwell Extra Bold
Rockwell Italic
Rockwell Nova Bold
Rockwell Nova Bold Italic
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold Italic
Rockwell Nova Italic
Rockwell Nova Light
Rockwell Nova Light Italic
Rockwell Nova
Rockwell Nova Cond Bold
Rockwell Nova Cond Bold Italic
Rockwell Nova Cond Italic
Rockwell Nova Cond Light
Rockwell Nova Cond Light Italic
Rockwell Nova Cond
Sanskrit Text
Scheherazade Bold
Century Schoolbook Bold
Century Schoolbook Bold Italic
Century Schoolbook Italic
Script MT Bold
Segoe MDL2 Assets
Segoe Print
Segoe Print Bold
Segoe Script
Segoe Script Bold
Segoe UI
Segoe UI Bold
Segoe UI Italic
Segoe UI Light
Segoe UI Semilight
Segoe UI Bold Italic
Segoe UI Black
Segoe UI Black Italic
Segoe UI Emoji
Segoe UI Historic
Segoe UI Light Italic
Segoe UI Semibold
Segoe UI Semibold Italic
Segoe UI Semilight Italic
Segoe UI Symbol
Shonar Bangla
Shonar Bangla Bold
Showcard Gothic
Shruti Bold
Simplified Arabic Bold
Simplified Arabic Fixed
Simplified Arabic
Sitka Small
Sitka Text
Sitka Subheading
Sitka Heading
Sitka Display
Sitka Banner
Sitka Small Bold
Sitka Text Bold
Sitka Subheading Bold
Sitka Heading Bold
Sitka Display Bold
Sitka Banner Bold
Sitka Small Italic
Sitka Text Italic
Sitka Subheading Italic
Sitka Heading Italic
Sitka Display Italic
Sitka Banner Italic
Sitka Small Bold Italic
Sitka Text Bold Italic
Sitka Subheading Bold Italic
Sitka Heading Bold Italic
Sitka Display Bold Italic
Sitka Banner Bold Italic
Smart Symbols
Snap ITC
Source Code Pro Black
Source Code Pro Black Italic
Source Code Pro Bold
Source Code Pro Bold Italic
Source Code Pro ExtraLight
Source Code Pro ExtraLight Italic
Source Code Pro Italic
Source Code Pro Light
Source Code Pro Light Italic
Source Code Pro Medium
Source Code Pro Medium Italic
Source Code Pro
Source Code Pro Semibold
Source Code Pro Semibold Italic
Source Serif Pro Black
Source Serif Pro Black Italic
Source Serif Pro Bold
Source Serif Pro Bold Italic
Source Serif Pro ExtraLight
Source Serif Pro ExtraLight Italic
Source Serif Pro Italic
Source Serif Pro Light
Source Serif Pro Light Italic
Source Serif Pro
Source Serif Pro Semibold
Source Serif Pro Semibold Italic
Tahoma Bold
Microsoft Tai Le
Microsoft Tai Le Bold
Tw Cen MT Bold Italic
Tw Cen MT Bold
Tw Cen MT Condensed Bold
Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold
Tw Cen MT Condensed
Tw Cen MT Italic
Tw Cen MT
Tempus Sans ITC
Times New Roman
Times New Roman Bold
Times New Roman Bold Italic
Times New Roman Italic
Traditional Arabic Bold
Traditional Arabic
Trebuchet MS
Trebuchet MS Bold
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
Trebuchet MS Italic
Tunga Bold
UD Digi Kyokasho N-B
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-B
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-B
UD Digi Kyokasho N-R
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-R
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-R
DilleniaUPC Bold
DilleniaUPC Bold Italic
DilleniaUPC Italic
EucrosiaUPC Bold
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic
EucrosiaUPC Italic
FreesiaUPC Bold
FreesiaUPC Bold Italic
FreesiaUPC Italic
IrisUPC Bold
IrisUPC Bold Italic
IrisUPC Italic
JasmineUPC Bold
JasmineUPC Bold Italic
JasmineUPC Italic
KodchiangUPC Bold
KodchiangUPC Bold Italic
KodchiangUPC Italic
LilyUPC Bold
LilyUPC Bold Italic
LilyUPC Italic
Urdu Typesetting
Urdu Typesetting Bold
Utsaah Bold
Utsaah Bold Italic
Utsaah Italic
Vani Bold
Verdana Bold
Verdana Italic
Verdana Pro Black
Verdana Pro Black Italic
Verdana Pro Bold
Verdana Pro Bold Italic
Verdana Pro Cond Black
Verdana Pro Cond Black Italic
Verdana Pro Cond Bold
Verdana Pro Cond Bold Italic
Verdana Pro Cond Italic
Verdana Pro Cond Light
Verdana Pro Cond Light Italic
Verdana Pro Cond
Verdana Pro Cond Semibold
Verdana Pro Cond Semibold Italic
Verdana Pro Italic
Verdana Pro Light
Verdana Pro Light Italic
Verdana Pro
Verdana Pro Semibold
Verdana Pro Semibold Italic
Verdana Bold Italic
Vijaya Bold
Viner Hand ITC
Vivaldi Italic
Vladimir Script
Vrinda Bold
Wingdings 2
Wingdings 3
Yu Gothic Bold
Yu Gothic UI Bold
Yu Gothic UI Semibold
Yu Gothic Light
Yu Gothic UI Light
Yu Gothic Medium
Yu Gothic UI Regular
Yu Gothic Regular
Yu Gothic UI Semilight
Yu Mincho Regular
Yu Mincho Demibold
Yu Mincho Light
DecoType Naskh
Citi Sans Display Bold
Citi Sans Display Bold Italic
Citi Sans Display Regular
Citi Sans Display Regular Italic
Citi Serif Display Regular
Citi Serif Display Regular Italic
Citi Sans Table Condensed Regular
Citi Sans Table Condensed Regular Italic
Citi Sans Table Text Bold
Citi Sans Table Text Bold Italic
Citi Sans Table Text Regular
Citi Sans Table Text Regular Italic

But if you check the output PDF document I have attached above, you can see that to render the document the following fonts were used:

Thanks it works in winodws env as expected, but I was testing for German language in Linux env with same fonts which works in windows but somehow few of the characters get printend as ? unable to figure it how whats missing here, for your reference i attached all the required files and fonts i am using and error screen shot from out linux env could you please check and assist us whats wrong here
GermanInLinux.zip (721.2 KB)

testlanguageGermanLinux.docx (3.4 MB)

and i using font setting like this -

FontSettings fontSettings = FontSettings.getDefaultInstance();       
fontSettings.setFontsFolder("C:\\Users\\Desktop\\ukfonts", true);

@anupkrsinha Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. Here is code used for testing:

FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[] { new SystemFontSource(),  new FolderFontSource("/temp/fonts", true) });
JsonDataSource ds = new JsonDataSource("/temp/testLanguageJsonGerman.json");
Document doc = new Document("/temp/in.docx");
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.buildReport(doc, ds);

Here is the output document: out_linux.pdf (63.7 KB)

ohh okey, I am not whats wrong is at my side how can figure this out?

@anupkrsinha Please try using the code provided above on your side and attach your output PDF document here for our reference.

I tried the above code , Response is still same text is coming up with the ? , attaching here for your ref
downloadLinux.pdf (63.4 KB)

@anupkrsinha As I can see you are using old 24.1 version of Aspose.Words. Please try using the latest 24.11 version and let us know if the problem still persists.

Hi, due to some lic issue i ma unable to upgrade it to 24.11, can you check the same by using version 24.1 and confirm that you replicate the same issue by using this version, If yes then we will request for lic upgrade.

@anupkrsinha The problem is not reproducible with 24.1 version. Here is the output produced on my side with the above provided code:
out_linux_24.1.pdf (63.7 KB)

Could you please check whether Json data passed to Aspose.Words is correct? Probably there is some encoding problem on your side.

Hi, We are not using any specific encoding mechanism in our code, we are just using a pojo java class for the received json and same is being get passed in aspose report engine here is sample code snippet -

 // Generate document template input
InputStream jsonIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(
    new Gson().toJson(generateDocumentRequest.getTemplatePayload()).getBytes());
JsonDataLoadOptions options = new JsonDataLoadOptions();
options.setSimpleValueParseMode(1); // 1- strict json match 0- Loose Json match
JsonDataSource jsonDataSource = new JsonDataSource(jsonIS, options);

// Create a Reporting Engine.
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.buildReport(docAsponse, jsonDataSource, Constants.DS); // putting ds- as data source alias name
// Save the generated document to disk with generatedFilePathInDisk variable.
docAsponse.save(generatedFilePathInDisk, SaveFormat.PDF);

@anupkrsinha Could you please try reading JSON from file (for testing purposes)?

FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[] { new SystemFontSource(),  new FolderFontSource("/temp/fonts", true) });
JsonDataSource ds = new JsonDataSource("/temp/testLanguageJsonGerman.json");
Document doc = new Document("/temp/in.docx");
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.buildReport(doc, ds);

Is the problem reproducible in this case?

i replaced that with static json data in string format in code, but still the same ? issue for few of the char, for ref i added code snipprt not all al data due compliance concerns

	String jsonData = "{\n" +
					"  \"shareClass\": \"test class\",\n" +

@anupkrsinha Yes, but you still decode string to byte array and then pass it to JsonDataSource as as stream. Please try reading json from file to avoid encoding decoding problems.

but we cannot read/put the file in our server/actual env, as we are getting the data as a request payload of rest api which is very dynamic in nature. So if somehow suggested solutions works for now then also we wont be able to implement the same in actual env. So please suggest something by that we can fix that with current implementation

@anupkrsinha I proposes to test reading Json for the file to isolate the problem. I doubt the problem is in Aspose.Words. I think the problem occurs because the data passed to Aspose.Words already have the problem.