Text in tables within Floating Boxes does not obey zindex ordering

Hello, we have a problem with z-index since we upgraded to the latest version of pdf, involving text in tables within floating boxes.

Previously (Version text in a table, positioned by floating box would obey the z-index with respect to other floating boxes. However in the current version (Version an image in a floating box with a smaller z-index will obscure the table in a floating box with a higher z-index.

The code below, renders two images within two floaing boxes with z-index 0 and 1 respectively. It also renders text in a table within a third floating box with z-index 2. We expect the text to be on top of both images. However, the image with z-index of 1 ends up on top of the text.

Note: text only in a floating box does correctly render, but text in a table in a floaing box does not.

We require the text to be in the table.

Thanks for your help

class Program {

static void Main(string[] args) {

var pdf1 = new Pdf();

var section = new Section(pdf1);


// Want the Text to be on top of both the images.

PlaceImage(section, 62f, 48.75f, 48.5f, 50f, 0);

PlaceText(section, 68f, 55f, 217.25f, "Why oh why", 2);

PlaceImage(section, 75f, 80.5f, 47.25f, 50f, 1);



static private void PlaceImage(Section section, float top, float left, float height, float width, int zIndex) {

var image = new Image();

image.ImageInfo.File = "c:\\temp\\a.gif"; //Note: gif is 100 x 100 pixels

image.ImageInfo.ImageFileType = ImageFileType.Gif;

image.ImageInfo.FixHeight = height;

image.ImageInfo.FixWidth = width;

PlaceParagraphInSection(section, image, top, left, width, zIndex);


static private void PlaceText(Section section, float top, float left, float width, String text, int zIndex) {

//Note: Application requires the text to be in a table. Layout purposes.

var myText = new Text(section, text);

var table = new Table();

var row = table.Rows.Add();

var cells = row.Cells.Add();


PlaceParagraphInSection(section, table, top, left, width, zIndex);


private static void PlaceParagraphInSection(Section section, Paragraph paragraph, float top, float left, float width, int zIndex) {

// Put the paragraphs in a floating box so we can place it around the page, and can set the zindex to handle overlapping boxes.

var fb = new FloatingBox {

Top = top,

Left = left,

PositioningType = PositioningType.PageRelative,

BoxWidth = width,

BackgroundColor = null,

BoxHorizontalPositioning = BoxHorizontalPositioningType.Page,

BoxVerticalPositioning = BoxVerticalPositioningType.Page,

ZIndex = zIndex,


// Add supplied paragraph to Floating Box


// Add the Floating Box to the sections paragraphs




Hi David,

Thanks for using our products and sharing the sample source code and template documents with us. I tested the scenario and able to notice the same problem. For rectification, I logged this problem with ID: PDFNEWNET-33293 in our Issue Tracking System. We will further look into the details of this issue and will keep you updated via this forum thread on the status of correction.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Thanks & Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNEWNET-33293) have been fixed in this update.

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