Text is being cropped in table cell

Dear Aspose.
As you can see from example.

When Worksheet is printed, text from table header does not fit into cell and is partially cropped.

Attaching image demonstrating the difference in output:
Bug-1225637-4-Table-Issue-Difference.png (58.1 KB)

Attaching sample application demonstrating the issue:
Bug-1225637-CropTable.zip (124.4 KB)

We have used Windows and latest Aspose.Cells 24.12 to produce the results.

Best Regards

Through our research, we found that data truncation is caused by automatic row height setting. So you need to call method Worksheet.AutoFitRows(true) to automatically adjust the row height. Please refer to the following API.

Please change the following code:

var sheetRender = new SheetRender(worksheet, imageOptions);


var sheetRender = new SheetRender(worksheet, imageOptions);

Hope helps a bit.