Text not appearing in preview image

I’ve got a powerpoint presentation where the GetThumbnail is not rendering text on the image.

I’ve attached the powerpoint presentation and the output image I’m getting.

I’m running ASPOSE Slides on ASP.NET 4.0 using IIS 7.0 on Windows 7.

I’m using the below code to generate the preview image:

            Image fullImage = slide.GetThumbnail(1, 1);

        <span style="color:#2b91af;">MemoryStream</span> imageStream = <span style="color:blue;">new</span> <span style="color:#2b91af;">MemoryStream</span>();
        fullImage.Save(imageStream, <span style="color:#2b91af;">ImageFormat</span>.Png);

Hi Muppets,

I have tested the scenario and I am able to
reproduce the same problem. For the sake of correction, I have logged this issue as SLIDESNET-32312 in our issue tracking system. Our team will look
into this issue and you will be updated via this forum thread once it is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.