Textbox to HTML- Layout Square issue

We have found an issue related to conversion from word document to html document using Aspose.Words.

There is a problem in formatting in case we use TextBox in MSWord and set it’s Laytout to Square.
It then splits the 2 rows above the TextBox and the TextBox is inserted between these 2 rows.
I know it can be fixed easily by using ‘in line with text’ option in MS Word doc but our clients have sometimes problems with that behavior.

Please, see attachments.

It would be nice to have it fixed in one of your next planned releases if it’s not difficult fix.

This message was posted using Email2Forum by romank. (attachment)

Thanks for your inquiry. This is known issue (#1144). As work around you can try using table. For example see the attached document.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 1144) have been fixed in this update.

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