TextBoxField fixed space display

Hi Aspose Support,

Using Aspose Pdf 9.4 for .NET 4.0, I’m trying to add a fixed-space textbox field by using the ForceCombs and MaxLen properties.

The output pdf is created successfully. When opening the pdf in Adobe Reader the appearance/state of the textbox does not appear as fixed space. Editing the textfield then displays the textfield as fixed space.

Is there a reason why the textfield doesn’t display as fixed space when first opened in Adobe Reader?

Thanks, Alan

using System.IO;

using Aspose.Pdf;
using Aspose.Pdf.InteractiveFeatures.Forms;
using Aspose.Pdf.InteractiveFeatures.Annotations;

namespace AddingTextBoxField
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = Path.GetFullPath(“…/…/…/Data/”);

        //Open document
        Document pdfDocument = new Document();

        //Create a field
        TextBoxField textBoxField = new TextBoxField(pdfDocument.Pages[1], new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(100, 200, 300, 250));
        textBoxField.PartialName = "textbox1";
        textBoxField.Value = "Text Box";
        textBoxField.MaxLen = 8;
        textBoxField.ForceCombs = true;
        //textBoxField.Border = new Border(
        /*Border border = new Border(textBoxField);
        border.Width = 5;
        border.Dash = new Dash(1, 1);
        textBoxField.Border = border;*/

        //textBoxField.Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.Green);

        //Add field to the document
        pdfDocument.Form.Add(textBoxField, 1);

        //Save modified PDF
        pdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "output.pdf");



Hi Alan,

Thanks for your inquiry. We have manged to replicate the reported issue and logged an investigation ticket PDFNEWNET-37284 in our issue tracking system for further investigation and resolution. We will keep you updated about the issue resolution progress.

Best Regards,