Thai justified paragraph issue

I found Thai justified paragraph issue. It is same issue as Pairat.p. I use “TH SarabunPSK” font. Could ASPOSE has solution to resolved this issue.
Thanks you.

I found Thai justified paragraph issue. It is same issue as Pairat.p. I use “TH SarabunPSK” font. Could ASPOSE has solution to resolved this issue.
Thanks you.

send email to me

Best Regards,

@susit Could you please attach your source and output documents here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information. (137.0 KB) (105.3 KB) (185.9 KB)

Thank you alexey.noskov
I send input file (Word), output file (pdf) and font to you.

Best Regards,

@susit Thank you for additional information. I have linked your request to WORDSNET-23820 issue in our defect data base. Unfortunately, Thai Distributed alignment is not yet supported by Aspose.Words layout engine. We will keep you updated and let you know once the issue is resolved.

Thank you for your answer, I hope you can solve this issue soon.

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