The file was created by a newer version of Microsoft Office Word and a converter is needed to open it

Using Aspose.Words for .NET, I have a .docx word document that fills in the users’ name into a bookmark, then launches on the client machine. Upon clicking the link to open the document, one user gets the following prompt:

“The file was created by a newer version of Microsoft Office Word and a converter is needed to open it. Do you want to download the converter from the Microsoft Office Web Site?”

If he clicks “Yes”, he is sent to the link below, which is not a valid page:
If he clicks “No”, the file opens just fine and his name is populated on the form. He has both Office 2007 and 2003 on his machine and the .docx and .doc file types are set to open with Office 2007. When typing in the path of the source Word document, not using Aspose to pre-fill the bookmark, the blank document opens in Word 2007 without issues. The user’s operating system is XP Professional Service Pack 2. The operating system on the web server is Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, Version 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2 Build 3790. No other users have reported the same issue. Attached is a copy of the Word document and below is code to generate the document:

wl.SetLicense(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\Aspose.Custom.lic.xml");
MemoryStream strmDoc;
strmDoc = GetDocStream("path to my doc here");

Document doc = new Document(strmDoc);
DocumentBuilder docbld;

Document docReturn = new Document();
docbld = new DocumentBuilder();
docbld.Document = doc.Clone();

Aspose.Words.Bookmark bookmark = docbld.Document.Range.Bookmarks["NAME"];
if (bookmark != null)
    docbld.MoveToBookmark("NAME", false, true);
    docbld.Write("User Name Here");

foreach (Aspose.Words.Section srcSection in docbld.Document)
    Node dstSection = docReturn.ImportNode(srcSection, true, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting);
    for (int i = 0; i < docReturn.Sections.Count; i++)
docbld = null;
docReturn.Protect(ProtectionType.ReadOnly, "passwordGoesHere");
docReturn.Save("MyDoc.docx", SaveFormat.Docx, Aspose.Words.SaveType.OpenInWord, Response);

This is an issue in Word 2007 SP2. It makes some special (I believe against the OOXML standard) checks for some document properties and shows this message. You can either just click No in the dialog box and the file will open fine. Or you can upgrade to latest Aspose.Words and it writes document properties in a way that do not bring this message box in Word 2007.

Was this issue ever announced via a newsletter, technical bulletin, or anything of this nature? we recently experienced this issue in our production environment and was wondering if there was something i could subscribe to to prevent issues like this? We generally do not upgrade 3rd party components unless there is benefit for our usage or an issue like this.
Thank you!


Thanks for your inquiry. Which version of Aspose.Words do you use in your application? Could you please attach your sample document here for testing.
Best regards.