The image Aspose.Cell captures does not look like the original excel chart

Hey Aspose Team,

I’ve been noticing a weird behavior in my code when I capture the picture of range. The image aspose captures look nothing like the excel chart when I open the excel chart and view it.

public virtual Stream ProcessOleObject(string fileName, string imgCoordinates, Shape oldShape)
    string ProcessName = "Convert link to image";
    string ExceptionType = "P";
    string StartCell = string.Empty;
    string EndCell = string.Empty;
        string[] CoordinateParts = imgCoordinates.Trim().Split('!', ':');
        // Here's an example of what an imgCoordinates looks like RespRate!R5C1:R8C2
        string WSName = CoordinateParts[0]; //RespRate
        int WSIdx; // Worksheet index
        string StartAddress = CoordinateParts[1]; //R5C1
        string EndAddress = CoordinateParts[2]; //R8C2

        //Processing Start Address
        string[] StartDigits = StartAddress.Split('R', 'C').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
        int.TryParse(StartDigits[0], out int startRow);
        int.TryParse(StartDigits[1], out int startCol);
        //Process End Address
        string[] EndDigits = EndAddress.Split('R', 'C').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
        int.TryParse(EndDigits[0], out int endRow);
        int.TryParse(EndDigits[1], out int endCol);

        // Coordinates cannot be zero by any chance 
        if (startRow != 0 || startCol != 0 || endRow != 0 || endRow != 0)
            // Convert the starting coordinates to cell address
            StartCell = CellsHelper.CellIndexToName(startRow - 1, startCol - 1);
            // Convert the ending coordinates to cell address
            EndCell = CellsHelper.CellIndexToName(endRow - 1, endCol - 1);
            throw new Exception($"Linked coordinate contain 0 as a coordinate.\n Cannot convert the link -\n {fileName + imgCoordinates}\n to an image");

        //Open the source workbook
        using (Workbook sourceWB = new Workbook(fileName))
            Worksheet sourceWS = sourceWB.Worksheets[WSName];
            WSIdx = sourceWS.Index;

            //Set print area
            sourceWS.PageSetup.PrintArea = $"{StartCell}:{EndCell}";

            //Set all margins as 0
            sourceWS.PageSetup.LeftMargin = 0;
            sourceWS.PageSetup.RightMargin = 0;
            sourceWS.PageSetup.TopMargin = 0;
            sourceWS.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 0;
            // Clear any header/footer as they'll be captured when converting the worksheet to image

            // Set OnePagePerSheet option as true
            ImageOrPrintOptions options = new ImageOrPrintOptions
                OnePagePerSheet = true,
                ImageType = Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Jpeg,
                HorizontalResolution = 300 /*(int)oldShape.ImageData.ImageSize.HorizontalResolution*/,
                VerticalResolution = 300 /*(int)oldShape.ImageData.ImageSize.VerticalResolution*/

            // Take the image of your worksheet
            SheetRender Render = new SheetRender(sourceWS, options);
            // Create a stream to save the image in
            MemoryStream Stream = new MemoryStream();
            Render.ToImage(0, Stream);
            return Stream;
    catch (Exception ex)
        this.HelperToolKit.AppendToErrorTable(this.RepEntity, this.ModuleID, ProcessName, this.ErrorTableRecords, ex, ExceptionType);
        return Stream.Null;

public virtual bool BreakOLELink(string docPath, string populatedLinkWB)
    bool RetVal = true, TempRes;
    StringComparison IgnoreCase = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
    string msg;
    string MsgActivityLevel;
    string ProcessName = "Unlink charts";
    string ExceptionType = "P";
    string OlePathUNC;
        // Validate input and exit immediately if validation fails
        if (!File.Exists(docPath))
            msg = $@"The text report file {docPath} does not exist";
            throw new Exception(msg);
        //Determine if the specified workbook exists in links in the text report file
        var OLELinks = this.GetLinkPaths(docPath);
        if (OLELinks.Count == 0)
            //There are no OLE links in the Word document
            MsgActivityLevel = "There are no links the word document";
            return true;
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(populatedLinkWB))
            msg = $@"Empty Excel link";
            throw new Exception(msg);
        if (!File.Exists(populatedLinkWB))
            msg = $@"The Excel link workbook {populatedLinkWB} does not exist";
            throw new Exception(msg);
        MsgActivityLevel = "Unlinking Excel charts...";

        Document oDoc = new Document(docPath);
        DocumentBuilder oDocBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(oDoc);

        // Get all shapes in document
        NodeCollection oDocShapes = oDoc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Shape, true);
        // TempRes keeps track if any link had failed to convert to an image
        TempRes = true;
        foreach (Shape oldShape in oDocShapes)
            if (oldShape.OleFormat != null && oldShape.OleFormat.IsLink)
                // Move Doucment Builder to the shape
                // Find the source file of the link
                string SourceName = oldShape.OleFormat.SourceFullName;
                // Find the coordinates of the linked object from the source
                string SourceItem = oldShape.OleFormat.SourceItem;
                // Convert the link to an image and saves it into a stream
                Stream ImgStream = ProcessOleObject(SourceName, SourceItem, oldShape);
                if (ImgStream != Stream.Null)
                    // Insert this image into the place of the old shape.
                    Shape newOleShape = oDocBuilder.InsertImage(ImgStream);
                    // Just to be safe we apply the sizing of the old shape to the new shape
                    if (!oldShape.AspectRatioLocked)
                        // If the old linked object's aspect ratio was not locked, set the same to the new inserted object as well
                        // By default the aspect ratio of any image inserted using document builder InsertImage method is set to true
                        newOleShape.AspectRatioLocked = false;
                        // No we can set the height of the new image as the aspect ratio is not locked
                        newOleShape.Height = oldShape.Height;
                    newOleShape.Width = oldShape.Width;
                    //Remove the old OLE Shape
                    TempRes = false;
        // Overall success or fail is determined by if all links were successfully converted or not
        RetVal = TempRes;
    catch (Exception ex)
        RetVal = false;
        TempRes = this.HelperToolKit.AppendToErrorTable(this.RepEntity, this.ModuleID, ProcessName, this.ErrorTableRecords, ex, ExceptionType);
        MsgActivityLevel = $"Unlinking Excel charts...{(RetVal ? "Done" : "Failed")}";
    return RetVal;

What I’ve tried to do here is break the links in a word document by converting the linked range in excel sheet into an image and storing it in memory stream and pasting it at the location of the linked ole object.

Here are all the files that I’ve used: (8.2 MB) (2.4 MB)

@JThomas98 The image is captured by Aspose.Cells. So I am moving this part of question into Aspose.Cells forum. My colleagues will help you shortly.

By using sample file and the following sample code for testing, we are able to reproduce the issue. Found Chart display error when calling SheeeRender ToImage. Please check the attachment. result.png (165.5 KB)

The sample code as follows:

//Open the source workbook
using (Workbook sourceWB = new Workbook(filePath + "Chart.xlsm"))
    Worksheet sourceWS = sourceWB.Worksheets["DetailCharts"];
    int WSIdx = sourceWS.Index;

    //Set print area
    sourceWS.PageSetup.PrintArea = $"B73:M158";

    //Set all margins as 0
    sourceWS.PageSetup.LeftMargin = 0;
    sourceWS.PageSetup.RightMargin = 0;
    sourceWS.PageSetup.TopMargin = 0;
    sourceWS.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 0;
    // Clear any header/footer as they'll be captured when converting the worksheet to image

    // Set OnePagePerSheet option as true
    ImageOrPrintOptions options = new ImageOrPrintOptions
        OnePagePerSheet = true,
        ImageType = Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Jpeg,
        HorizontalResolution = 300 /*(int)oldShape.ImageData.ImageSize.HorizontalResolution*/,
        VerticalResolution = 300 /*(int)oldShape.ImageData.ImageSize.VerticalResolution*/

    // Take the image of your worksheet
    SheetRender Render = new SheetRender(sourceWS, options);
    Render.ToImage(0, filePath + "out_net.jpeg");


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): CELLSNET-55343

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Hi @JThomas98
After testing, I found some differences: the extra lines (left) , Legend showing error (bottom) , and here is the image I tagged with red circle. This is my output image with aspose.cells, if there are other problems, please tag them in your output image, so that we can better improve it. Thank you.
Output.jpg (74.4 KB)

Thank you, @alexey.noskov.

@leoluo, I don’t know if you noticed, the overall scale of the image is also different. the percentages displayed on the right side of the chart is somehow creeping into the chart itself whereas in the actual excel document, the percentages are placed correctly. Another issue I noticed is the years mentioned on top of the graph is somehow pushed all the way up when compared to the actual excel where the years are placed right above the graph. In overall, the picture somehow seems shrunk. Which is why the text on top of the chart is somehow split onto three/four lines where as in the actual document, its only two lines.


Thank you for sharing further details and your findings regarding the scale. We will evaluate the problems you mentioned and try to include them in our considerations when fixing your issue precisely. We will get back to you with more updates soon.

@amjad.sahi, thank you.


You are welcome.

Hey Aspose Team, would you be able to give me rough idea as to when this ticket might be resolved?


Generally, if an issue is not complex, it is resolved within a couple of weeks and the fix is included in the next upcoming release. However, if an issue is complex, it might take a few weeks or months to get it resolved.

Anyways, we will check if we can provide you with an ETA on your issue. We will get back to you soon.

@amjad.sahi, thank you!


You are welcome.


Since several issues have been raised in this thread, and it hasn’t been a long time, it is expected that some of them will be fixed in the next upcoming release v23.4, which is due in the second week of April next month.

@amjad.sahi, thanks for the update. Looking forward to it.


Sure, we will keep you posted on it.

Hey @amjad.sahi,
I noticed that you mentioned some of these issues might be fixed in the upcoming release v23.4. But isn’t the already out version 24.3? Just clarifying my doubt.


Sorry, I meant v24.4 (and not v23.4). We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Not a problem, @amjad.sahi. Just wanted to make sure.


You are welcome.