The iterative calculation of Excel formulas converted to HTML through the ASPose interface yields incorrect results
image.png (72.1 KB)
image.png (65.1 KB)
this is my code
Workbook workbook = new Workbook("D:\\Persinal_WorkSpace\\Aspose\\AposeTest\\src\\data\\EPPR-86563\\EPPR-86563.xlsx");
this is my file: (337.6 KB)
It seems your Excel file has external links for data source. I opened your Excel file into MS Excel manually and found it too gives same display as per your output HTML.
sc_shot1.png (196.4 KB)
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It is very strange that when we re-evaluate your file, we can only get #N/A for those specified cells in ms excel now. Even if we change the date to 8/27/2024 we cannot get them be calculated as other value than #N/A in ms excel.
Would you please try the file in ms excel again at your end to see whether you can get the expected values now?