We got this error on a PDF save:
(Stack Trace Level 1) The namespace declaration attribute has an incorrect ‘namespaceURI’: ‘A Namespace Name for xmlns Attributes’. at #=zNNpBdbFbFCsnz7oJFf7pINXHcghi5dJkTAwjJNw=.#=zoCZ2ipY=()
at #=zBss$sH9hwsVhlw49xR$Ve9nmB5Q7OkInen2bqYI=.#=z3xU2l7XleUfG(Stream #=zNKLhlGg=, Int32 #=zDwrL8VM=)
at #=z8wVmTvg2mzL$Dv97mfEy3tZ$lghiVUiXMDpOGKM=.#=z2NgTANs=(#=zBss$sH9hwsVhlw49xR$Ve9nmB5Q7OkInen2bqYI= #=zHMYoRFg=, Boolean #=zdNRHd2yKshVQ)
at Aspose.Pdf.Document.#=ztDMmz5Y=(#=zckWu7wdh5nUe3Kp28SZtG5eBlT$L #=ziEJ85EQ=, Metadata #=zGXHb9_k=) at (Object, Object[])
at dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd.#=ztIMw7AgOyAFfMqUwfcdao07KMY8lZffK2eWSQbXVr8kN(MethodBase #=z841yL7w=, Object #=zibHBY7E=, Object[] #=ztJiDIAE=, Boolean #=zhYaYijI=) at dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd.#=zwT35uVo5gbCTJ1n$P4ssO6k=(MethodBase #=z841yL7w=, Boolean #=zibHBY7E=) at dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd.#=z0g93aaUJg8f7qTNNcTl0n2T8SwLjSbz$kg==(dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd #=z841yL7w=, #=qNTrdywJvmbvprlPBuY5pQogEhN_RA8Xq4lpEpLvYs7A= #=zibHBY7E=) at dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd.#=zaICsEJ5MhFOOauCOgZ0gn9bRWa6p(Boolean #=z841yL7w=) at dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd.#=zJ9U9EfcQSP5ZhxhpfkSQcc0j9X0G(Object #=z841yL7w=) at dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd.#=zB1kQq4GJnSSmR3VyHag6rMOt9eAVnuQZIvtJ3QE=(Object #=z841yL7w=, UInt32 #=zibHBY7E=) at dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd.#=zaICsEJ5MhFOOauCOgZ0gn9bRWa6p(Boolean #=z841yL7w=) at dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd.#=zD_v9SEqG0gLVGCm0EbmwmCPhlffoqcENAcXpqphzRkqy(Object[] #=z841yL7w=, Type[] #=zibHBY7E=, Type[] #=ztJiDIAE=, Object[] #=zhYaYijI=) at dje_q3YE9EWSAU9Q6CY85NLTP6ZXS9KNKJHCQ66XXJTXP2QCZUJELVHMQ_ejd.#=zCPYQdhDfjXxtmxCs_Llov9c=(Stream #=z841yL7w=, String #=zibHBY7E=, Object[] #=ztJiDIAE=) at Aspose.Pdf.Document.#=zRDUUHiERYQ0V(Stream #=zbMelC3c=, SaveOptions #=zcg95f769zBEM) at Aspose.Pdf.Document.Save(Stream output)
This started immediately after an application pool recycle late on the 17th Jan 25 and occurred at least 2270 times. It stopped 24 hours later when the application pool was recycled again. This only occured on one of our servers and only on one of the partitions on that server that we can see. The application pools on these servers (we have over a dozen of them on AWS and Azure in different timezones) recycle every 24 hours and we haven’t seen this error occur before. It looks like the library faulted on the recycle and then loaded correctly on the next recycle.
I can see this problem was also reported on Jan 23
In that case the recommendation was to upgrade versions, we are currently on 24.8 which is much higher than the version in that case, so we don’t believe upgrading is going to fix the problem. We will be upgrading soon in any case, but in the meantime we have put in place code to catch the error if it occurs again and alert so the application pool can be recycled.
Are there any thoughts on what might be causing this or how we can prevent it from occurring?
I note that the relevant process on that server generates the same documents (many thousands of them) every day and has done so for many months. There was no change to the relevant code flow or to the documents.