The PDF generated by Aspose.Words is different with the PDF generated by GhostScript and different with WinWord format

Hi, I am evaluating the Aspose.Total for .NET.
I am trying to convert a large Ms word (doc) file. Actually the file is downloaded from Microsoft website about Deployment for Office SharePoint Server 2007. The following is the download link.
I attached three screensnaps, The MS word file itself, the pdf generated by AsposeWords and the pdf generated by Ghostscript. The PDF generated by GhostScript is exactly the same as the MS WinWord, but the PDF generated by Aspose.Words is different. A few lines disappeared on the PDF generated by Aspose.Words.
The programming is very simple, a function as following is called by the main function from commandline:

private static void ConvertDoc2Pdf(string inFileName, string outFileName)
    Aspose.Words.License license = new Aspose.Words.License();
    Document doc = new Document(inFileName);
    doc.Save(outFileName, SaveFormat.Pdf);

Are there any ideas from the support team about this problem?


Thank you for your reporting this problem to us. I managed to reproduce the problem and created new issue #7715 in our defect database. I will notify you as soon as it is fixed.
Best regards.

We are delighted to announce the availability of Aspose.Words for SharePoint, which is our latest addition to the Aspose.Words product family.
This release, Aspose.Words for SharePoint 1.0 makes high quality document conversions for DOC/DOCX/ODT/RTF/PDF/XPS and others easily accessible to SharePoint users.
Please find more details in our Documentation area.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 7715) have been fixed in this update.

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