The PDF output from SaveToPdf function doesn't match with that in Word

Hi There,
I am using Aspose.Words 7.0.0 to convert Word to PDF. During the implementation, I found out that PDF output doesn’t match with that shown in MS Word.
Example 1 - Please use following code:

var doc = new Aspose.Words.Document();
var db = new Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder(doc);
var cw = db.InsertCell();
cw.CellFormat.Width = 120;
cw.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge = Aspose.Words.Tables.CellMerge.First;
cw.CellFormat.VerticalMerge = Aspose.Words.Tables.CellMerge.None;
cw.CellFormat.Borders[Aspose.Words.BorderType.Left].LineStyle = LineStyle.Thick;
cw.CellFormat.Borders[Aspose.Words.BorderType.Right].LineStyle = LineStyle.None;
cw = db.InsertCell();
cw.CellFormat.Width = 120;
cw.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge = Aspose.Words.Tables.CellMerge.Previous;
cw = db.InsertCell();
cw.CellFormat.Width = 120;
cw.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge = Aspose.Words.Tables.CellMerge.Previous;
cw.CellFormat.Borders[Aspose.Words.BorderType.Left].LineStyle = LineStyle.None;
cw.CellFormat.Borders[Aspose.Words.BorderType.Right].LineStyle = LineStyle.Thick;
var pdfOption = new PdfOptions
    BookmarksOutlineLevel = 9
doc.SaveToPdf(0, doc.PageCount, "C:\\test.pdf", pdfOption);

In PDF, the right border disappears.
Example 2 - Chart alignment. Please convert attachment to PDF and compare the result.
Please provide fixes ASAP.
William Ren


Thanks for your inquiry. I managed to reproduce both of your problems. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issues. You will be notified as soon as these problems are resolved. Regarding second problem, if you open/save your document using MS Word and then convert to PDF the problem disappears.
Best regards,

Actually I know the workaround for both issues.
#1 - If right border is set on first column, PDF is fine. But MS Word works both ways.
#2 - Saving in MS Word works but it is very difficult to control the timing in code for saving when document has 200+ pages.
William Ren

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 11412) have been fixed in this update.

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