The problem with image position in docx in actual Word and Word 2007

Hello! There is such a document that is generated by the application.
report.docx (3.0 MB)

If you open this file with an actual word, it displays well, but if you open it through the 2007 office, the pictures begin to move out of their positions, as it were.
But the client needs support for older versions of Word.

This is how the document looks in the current version of the word.
1.png (130.5 KB)

And this is what it looks like in Word 2007.
2.png (67.6 KB)

What could be the problem and how to fix it?

@ramazanovam910 The document is created by newer version of MS Word and it looks like uses some features that are not available in MS Word 2007. Since the document is creates with a new version of MS Word it uses the appropriate compatibility options. If optimize your document for MS Word 2007, it will look the same as in MS word 2007, when you open it in MS Word 2019:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");

This is not Aspose.Words defect, this is a peculiarity of different MS Word versions.


It turns out that my problem is a little different.

This document title that I once moved it to the document header.
In the latest versions of the Word document is displayed normally. But in Word 2007, all the images in the document are shifted strongly upwards.
As if the word does not see that there is a header there. More precisely, he sees it for text, but when inserting an image, an upward shift occurs.

If you remove the document title from the header and move it to the text part of the document, then both on the latest versions and on the 2007 version, Word displays everything correctly.

Is it possible to make the document title located in the header and at the same time the images are also not shifted in word 2007?

@ramazanovam910 Your documents contains floating objects (shapes) in the document header. MS Word supports floating objects in the document header/footer only for documents in MS Word 2013 mode (not in compatibility mode). Documents in compatibility mode and older Word versions do not wrap text in header/footer around floaters. So I am afraid, it is not possible to make this work in older version of MS Word. You can redesign your header to avoid using floating shapes and use a table instead, for example.

I understood. Thank you for answer. However, I would like to note something:

Your documents contains floating objects (shapes) in the document header. MS Word supports floating objects in the document header/footer only for documents in MS Word 2013 mode

But the shapes in the headers are still displayed normally in the Word 2007 version (pic 2.png). There are no offsets, nothing is floating anywhere.

@ramazanovam910 Yes, shapes are displayed, but content outside the header is improperly flowed around the floating objects in the header.