The Text Box Position Is Incorrect when Saving PPT to PDF

The text box position is incorrect when saving PPT to PDF
位置变化 (38.9 KB)

Presentation p = new Presentation("D:\\aspose\\ppt\\位置变化-2.pptx");"D:\\aspose\\ppt\\位置变化-2.pdf",com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat.Pdf);

image.png (6.9 KB)
image.png (96.3 KB)

Thank you for contacting support.

Please note that some fonts have been changed in the output PDF document. This means that the fonts were not found on the operating system where the code was running. You should install all fonts used in the presentation on the operating system or load the fonts in your app as external ones like this:


Presentation p = new Presentation(“D:\aspose\ppt\位置变化-2.pptx”);“D:\aspose\ppt\位置变化-2.pdf”,com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat.Pdf);

Documents: Custom Font
API Reference: FontsLoader Class