Hallo Aspose-Team
I have found a bug in Validation for a specific cell in excel.
The validation is not correct, when the validation depends on other cell.
I have the following code:
var book = new Workbook("C:\\Projekte\\Test_Aspose.xlsx");
Worksheet sheetBla = book.Worksheets["Erläuterungen der VNB"];
Cell cell1 = sheetBla.Cells["D7"];
Cell cell2 = sheetBla.Cells["F7"];
cell1.PutValue("Unternehmensdaten", false, false);
cell2.PutValue("1.2", false, false);
TestContext.WriteLine("Result D7: " + cell1.Value);
TestContext.WriteLine("Result F7: " + cell2.Value);
int i = 0;
object p_object = cell2.GetValidation().Value1;
if (p_object is object[])
foreach (object curObj in (object[])p_object)
if (i==3)
TestContext.WriteLine("Validation for F7: " + curObj);
i = i + 1;
Cell cell3 = sheetBla.Cells["D8"];
Cell cell4 = sheetBla.Cells["F8"];
cell3.PutValue("GMK und AGS", false, false);
cell4.PutValue("5.2", false, false);
TestContext.WriteLine("Result D8: " + cell3.Value);
TestContext.WriteLine("Result F8: " + cell4.Value);
i = 0;
p_object = cell4.GetValidation().Value1;
if (p_object is object[])
foreach (object curObj in (object[])p_object)
if (i == 3)
TestContext.WriteLine("Validation for F8: " + curObj);
i = i + 1;
and this result:
Result D7: Unternehmensdaten
Result F7: 1.2
Validation for F7: 1.
Validation for F7: 1.1
Validation for F7: 1.2
Result D8: GMK und AGS
Result F8: 5.2
Validation for F8: 1.
Validation for F8: 1.1
Validation for F8: 1.2
but I expect this result:
Result D7: Unternehmensdaten
Result F7: 1.2
Validation for F7: 1.
Validation for F7: 1.1
Validation for F7: 1.2
Result D8: GMK und AGS
Result F8: 5.2
Validation for F8: 5.
Validation for F8: 5.1
Validation for F8: 5.2
This is the excle-file:
Test_Aspose.zip (5.0 MB)
We are using the following versions in out projekt:
Aspose.Cells.dll -> Version: 20.6.6
Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.dll -> Version:
Thanks in advance for your help