There is some problem with toImage() method


I want to insert chart into PowerPoint presentation. First of all I have created a chart in Excel and that invoked a toImage() method to convert it to a picture. Then I added this picture to PP slide.
So, the toImage() are not working well. The appearance of an Excel chart and resulting picture is defferent. The category data text has a wrong alignment.

Could you help me?

There is a code to reproduce the problem:
private static String PATH = System.getProperty( “user.home” );
private static String categoryDataText = “Figur 1.2: Det samlede resultat for hver dimension sammenstillet med det valgte benchmark”;

public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

Worksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().getSheet( 0 );
sheet.setName( “Data” );

Cells cells = workbook.getWorksheets().getSheet( 0 ).getCells();
cells.getCell( “A2” ).setValue( “France” );
cells.getCell( “A3” ).setValue( “Germany” );
cells.getCell( “A4” ).setValue( “England” );
cells.getCell( “B2” ).setValue( 55000 );
cells.getCell( “B3” ).setValue( 70000 );
cells.getCell( “B4” ).setValue( 30000 );
cells.getCell( “A1” ).setValue( categoryDataText );

Chart aChart = sheet.getCharts().addChart( ChartType.BAR_CLUSTERED, 2, 2, 26, 11 );

NSeries nSeries = aChart.getNSeries();
createSeries( nSeries );

aChart.getNSeries().setCategoryData( “A1” );

aChart.getCategoryAxis().setRotation( 90 );
aChart.getCategoryAxis().getDisplayUnitLabel().setTextVerticalAlignment( TextAlignmentType.CENTER );

exportToPP( aChart );

private static void exportToPP( Chart aChart )
throws IOException
Presentation presentation = new Presentation( );
Slide slide = presentation.addEmptySlide();

ByteArrayOutputStream pictureBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

ImageOptions imageOptions = new ImageOptions();
imageOptions.setImageFormat( ImageFormat.PNG );
imageOptions.setFashion( FileFormatType.EXCEL97TO2003 );

aChart.toImage( pictureBytes, imageOptions );

InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( pictureBytes.toByteArray() );

com.aspose.slides.Picture picture = new com.aspose.slides.Picture( presentation, inputStream );

int pictureId = presentation.getPictures().add( picture );

int pictureWidth = (int) (picture.getWidth() * 5.26);
int pictureHeight = (int) (picture.getHeight() * 5.26);

int slideWidth = slide.getBackground().getWidth();
int slideHeight = slide.getBackground().getHeight();

int pictureX = (slideWidth / 2) - (pictureWidth / 2);
int pictureY = (slideHeight / 2) - (pictureHeight / 2);

slide.getShapes().addPictureFrame( pictureId, pictureX, pictureY, pictureWidth, pictureHeight ); PATH + “sample.ppt”, SaveFormat.PPT );

private static void createSeries( NSeries nSeries )
ASeries as1 = nSeries.get( nSeries.add() );
as1.setValues( “B2” );

ASeries as2 = nSeries.get( nSeries.add() );
as2.setValues( “B3” );

ASeries as3 = nSeries.get( nSeries.add() );
as3.setValues( “B4” );

Dear Myryan,

Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Slides and Aspose.Cells.

I have tried to reproduce the issue as specified by you and feels that issue is related to Aspose.Cells because if I even generate the PNG image directly from Chart.toImage() method, I am encountering the same situation.

I will request Aspose.Cells team to provide you better technical assistance to resolve the issue.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

Hi Mudassir.

Thank you for your reply.
I will be waiting for conclusion from Aspose.Cell team.
It’s a very important for our company.

Thanks in advance.


I am a representative of Aspose.Cells product family.

After an initial test, I can find the issue regarding Aspose.Cells for Java’s Chart 2 Image feature.
I have logged your issue into our issue tracking system with an id: CELLSJAVA-19239. We will figure your issue out soon.

I have also moved your thread to Aspose.Cells forum since it is an issue of our product.

Thank you.


Thank you for your reply. I will be waiting for resolve.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 19239) have been fixed in this update.

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