Throw Error While Generate Image

OS: Windows 11
Target Framework: .NET 8.0

Sample Code:

var fs = new FileStream(@"Test.doc", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
Aspose.Words.Document doca = new Aspose.Words.Document(fs);
Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions options = null;
options = new Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Tiff);
options.UpdateFields = false;

doca.LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions.InsertedTextColor = Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Auto;
doca.LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions.DeletedTextColor = Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Auto;
doca.LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions.CommentColor = Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Auto;
doca.LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions.MovedToTextColor = Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Auto;
options.TiffCompression = Aspose.Words.Saving.TiffCompression.Lzw;
options.PixelFormat = Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format24BppRgb;
options.Resolution = 300;
int resolution = 300;
options.ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size((int)(8.5 * resolution), (int)(11.0 * resolution));
for (int page = 0; page < doca.PageCount; page++)
    if (doca.GetPageInfo(page).Landscape)
        options.ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size((int)(11.0 * resolution), (int)(8.5 * resolution));
        options.ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size((int)(8.5 * resolution), (int)(11.0 * resolution));

    options.PageSet = new PageSet(page);
        doca.Save(Path.Combine(@"New folder", "Abc" + string.Format("_{0:" + "D6" + "}", page + 1) + ".tif"), options);
    catch (Exception ex)
    { }

File: (6.4 KB)

Note: It Works Properly In Targeted Framework: .Net Framework 4.8

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-26456

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

When I will get this fix?

@hemalp Unfortunately, there is no estimate at the moment. The issue is currently in the queue for analysis. Once analysis is done we will be able to provide you more information or a fix. Please accept our apologies for your inconvenience.

Hello @alexey.noskov

Any update for this issue?

@hemalp Unfortunately, there are no news regarding this issue yet.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-26456) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 24.3 update also available on NuGet.