Tiff images and watermarks

Thanks for the fast reply.
I guess I did not fully understand the difference from a hyperlink and something that looked like a hyperlink(simple test).
Now I just have one more question on the products…

Can it compress color TIFF images and insert something like a watermark?..on the pdf side.

Aspose.Word does not support TIFF images at the moment. Can you use some other format?
You can insert an image as a watermark if you insert it into a header or footer in a Word document. I’m not so sure it will reproduce in PDF okay, maybe there is some other way to insert a watermark image into Aspose.Pdf files. I’ll ask Aspose.Pdf team to reply here on this question.

TIFF image is supported in Aspose.Pdf. But watermark is not supported directly. I can add support for watermark soon if you need this feature in Aspose.Pdf. Inserting image into header or footer as watermark is possible in Aspose.Pdf.
Here is an example for using header image as watermark:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
<Pdf xmlns="Aspose.Pdf" CompressionLevel="0"> 
   <Image Left="200" Top="300" File="http://localhost/images/logo.gif" Type="gif" ImageScale="0.6"  PositioningType="ColumnRelative">
  <Text><Segment>page 1</Segment></Text>
  <Text IsFirstParagraph="true"><Segment>page 2</Segment></Text>
  <Text IsFirstParagraph="true"><Segment>page 3</Segment></Text>