TIFF to PDF throw Exception using .NET | The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded

I am using Aspose Word to convert the TIFF to PDF and i am encountering the problem
Exception:The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.
Please help us in fixing this issue. I have attached the sample program and tiff used in the zip file.
With Regards,

Hi Nagaraj,

Thanks for your query. I am afraid, Aspose.Words do not provide the functionality of loading Tiff file. You are loading Tiff file by using Aspose.Words.Document in your code. This throws exception.You can convert Tiff file to PDF by using example shared at following documentation link.


This example explains how to convert image to PDF. You need to call convertImageToPdf method as shown below:

convertImageToPdf(dataDir + "a.Tif", dataDir + "AsposeOut.pdf");

Please let us know if you have any more queries.