Times New Roman font changed to Calibri when HTML is inserted into Word doc

We have word document with Times New Roman font.
Encountered an issue when inserting HTML table with Times New Roman font into the word document - the font in the table cells changing from Time New Roman to Calibri.
Attached is the zip file InsertHtmlIntoWord.zip containing the following:

  • Narrative.docx - input Word document;
  • Narrative_24.01.docx - output Word document, illustrating the issue;
  • sampleReport1_grid.html - HTML file to be inserted into the Word document;
  • InsertHtmllIntoWord.java - small standalone app to help investigate this issue.

This issue is reproducible in both Linux 7 and Windows 11 Pro environments using Aspose Word for Java 24.1.0.
Thank you.
InsertHtmlIntoWord.zip (48.0 KB)

@oraspose please try the following approach:

builder.insertHtml(htmlContent, HtmlInsertOptions.USE_BUILDER_FORMATTING);