Timestamping pdf documents


I don't know if it has been suggested earlier or not, but are there any plans of supporting timestamping for pdf documents? Because we'd like to build an automated process of securing pdf documents, by inserting digital signatures, pdf file security policies and timestamps if possible.


Lokhan Wong

DTZ Zadelhoff

Hello Lokhan,

I am pleased to inform you that Aspose.Pdf.Kit supports the feature of adding Digital Signatures into the Pdf file. For more related information please visit PdfFileSignature and PdfFileStamp.

Yes, but what I mean is timestamping a pdf document. Here is a link to a concurrent software package we’re considering over Aspose, that offers that feature: http://www.aloaha.com/wi-software-en/timestamp-pdf.php


Lokhan Wong

DTZ Zadelhoff


After investigating the timestamping you proposed in the post, we are sorry that Aspose.Pdf.Kit can not support such function in a short period of time.