Hi Aspose Team,
Can we sort the data in Aspose with five keys?
Hi Aspose Team,
Can we sort the data in Aspose with five keys?
I think, you can use as many keys as you wish for sorting data.
Please refer to this article: Data Sorting
We can only sort with three keys. You can see that the api provides only 3 keys to be set (attached doc with the screen shot).
Thanks for your feedback.
I have added a New Feature Request against this issue. We will update you asap.
This issue has been logged as CELLSJAVA-29622.
Please try the new fix (attached). From this fix we provide new APIs for data sorting:
Gets data sorter to sort data in given range.
startRow Start row index.
startColumn Start column index.
endRow End row index.
endColumn End column index.
Sorter object for sorting data.
Sorter for cells data sorting.
Adds new level to sort data by values.
Sorts the data in range of this sorter.
Hi Team,
We have aspose-cells- file in our application provided by Your team as fix for below two items
1) Sorting with 5 keys
2) pivotTable.getRowFields().get(1).hideDetail
Now we have purchased license and we have received Aspose.Cells.lic file.
Please let us know will there be any change in JAR or we can use same aspose-cells- in our application were two fix are already there in place.
Hi Muin,
Please also make sure, you have also added additional java libraries in your classpath. You can download them from the given link.
Hi Team,
Thanks for the inputs.
We already have below jars in classpath which we downloaded along with trial version initially and currently we are using all below 4 jars with aspose-cells- .
dom4j-1.6.1.jar, jsr173_1.0_api.jar,stax2-api-3.0.2.jar,woodstox-core-asl-4.0.8.jar
but we see some Dom4j_LICENSE,jsr173_LICENSE,woodstox_LICENSE.
1) Does Dom,jsr,woodstox require license which is attached in your provided zip?
2) if it is require how to install all 4? we know how to configure for aspose jar
3) if those files are not require not sure what are those files for?how to use them.
4) we see same version in your zip file for dom,jsr,woodstox,stax which we downloaded intially for trail. do we need to replace or just ignore?
Appreciate your support till now.
Thanks for your questions.
It appears, you already have these additional java libraries, so you don’t need to re-download them. I think, these are open source licenses, so you can safely use them without any concern.
Hi Shakeel,
How to use/install these files?
please let us know how to install/use these files
No, you do not need to install these files which are without extensions.
These are just text files/documents that describes license description. It is only for your own reading.
If you want to read them, you can open them in Wordpad or Notepad. Just drag these files inside Wordpad or Notepad, it will open them.
Please see the screenshot for more help.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 29622) have been fixed in this update.
Hi Aspose Team,
Currently we are using aspose-cells- provided as part of fix for this bug. Do you suggest us to move to this new update which is "aspose.cells for Java 7.0.0" which has aspose-cells-7.0.0.jar, or can we continue using aspose-cells-
Please note that version of Java that we are using in our application is Java 1.5 (Java 5.0)
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Aspose Team,
We are facing some issues after using the latest aspose-cells-7.0.0.jar. We observe that there are many changes in the api w.r.t aspose-cells- Classes like HorizontalAlignmentType.java, AsposeLicenseException.java, Worksheets are not present in the package com.aspose.cells (hence methods like getSize(), removeSheet(), setActiveSheet() are not identifiable anymore) . As a result we are getting lot of compilation errors as we are using these methods at many places. Hence, we cannot directly move this latest release of aspose-cells-7.0.0.jar.
We have already bought the aspose licence. We would like to know if you would continue your support and provide any fixes (whenever required) in future on the aspose-cells- Please advice as it has become a major concern for us.
Thanks and Regards,
If you will move to v7.0.0, you will need to upgrade your code and also since this is a recent fix, then it might not be available, but you can check it out.
Upgrading your code will be better for you in a sense because all new fixes will be provided according to v7.0.0 and older versions will not be supported with new fixes.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan