Tomcat 9 startup is slower with Cells Words Slides


I added Aspose Words 23.3, Aspose Cells 23.1 and Aspose slides 22.9 for java to war, tomcat takes very long to start, it’s about 7 minutes. If I delete this jar, the server will be started in 1-2 minutes.

Here is my environment:

Operating system: Windows 11 64 bit
Tomcat: 9.0.24
Heap size: -Xms4G -Xmx16G
JDK: jdk-
Spring Boot : 2.7.5
Does anyone encounter a similar problem?

I added the jars aspose-cells-23.1.jar, aspose-words-23.3-jdk17.jar, aspose-slides-22.9-jdk16.jar, jogl-all-main-.jar, jogl-all-.jar, gluegen-rt-main-. jar, gluegen-rt-.jar in property tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip= of But it didn’t change anything

I am testing the solution and it blocks me to validate the solution



To isolate the issue from products, would you please try to load only one product to get the loading performance for every one? The separated performance information may help us to provide help for specific product separately.