Tomcat startup is slower with Slides+PDF+Words

Hi all,

I have to use Words + Pdf + Slides in a webapp. After adding dependy in my pom.xml, tomcat start up is very slow.

I have run some test and each of the three library add his own additional start up time.

After looking in the thread during start up, I finally found that most of time was spend parsing some files under META-INF folder of Aspose jar.

After building new Aspose jar without META-INF folder, the start-up time return to a normal value and my code works well.

Are this files under META-INF folder useful for Aspose? Can you provide a version without it or provide a way to tell tomcat to ignore it?




Tomcat 7.0.52

Jdk 1.7.45_64

Word 14.11.0 jdk15

Pdf 9.7.1 jdk14

Slides 14.9.0

The MANIFEST.MF file contains signature for each class of the jar and tomcat classloader test each class against his signature, that why it’s so slow at startup!

I can’t figure how to disable tomcat ceck so i’ll rebuild the jar without signature for a short time solution

==>Can you provide a unsigned version of your jar (Something like words-14.11.0-jdk16unsigned.jar)?

Hi Damien,

This seems to be an issue with Tomcat 7, you will not see this issue with Tomcat 6. One solution is to exclude Aspose JARs from scanning as you can see at

You can provide a comma-separated list of Aspose JARs at this line “tomcat.util.scan.DefaultJarScanner.jarsToSkip=” in file.

Best Regards,