
CASIO.png (1.0 KB)
KEYENCE.png (1.1 KB)


    Dim code = "0124958995760426"
    Dim type As Aspose.BarCode.Generation.BaseEncodeType = EncodeTypes.Interleaved2of5
    Dim barCode As BarCodeBuilder = New BarCodeBuilder(code, type)
    Dim width As Single = 303.3333
    Dim height As Single = 173.333328
    Dim posX = 49.92
    Dim posY = 41.6
    Dim rotate = 0
    barCode.CodeLocation = CodeLocation.Below
    barCode.GraphicsUnit = Aspose.BarCode.GraphicsUnit.Pixel
    barCode.AutoSize = True
    barCode.CodeTextFont = New System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 14.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular)
    Dim img = barCode.GetCustomSizeBarCodeImage(width, height, False)

Aspose.BarCode.Compact.dll ※Ver17.11~18.4で同様の現象
Windows Embedded Compact 7

[quote=“tj4859_paltac_co_jp, post:1, topic:203209”]Aspose.BarCode.Compact.dll ※Ver17.11~18.4で同様の現象
Windows Embedded Compact 7[/quote]

At first you can try 19.6.1 version, this is a last version which we support Compact Framework. There were a lot of changes to BarcodeGenerator(was replaced BarCodeBuilder).

About your problem. This could be interpolation bug/feature, because in “AutoSize = True” mode we try to resample image to the required size. Usage of floating numbers makes it more difficult. You can try to set width and height to whole numbers (like 303, 173) and see the difference.