Tracking on render process PDF


Is there any possibility to implement logging of the rendering process in PDF api?
This will mostly handle pdf to PDF/A converting and also Text files to PDF/A.



We are afraid that no such feature is available in the API at the moment. Just to be more clear, you want to track the conversion progress during PDF to PDFA and Text to PDF/A conversions? Right?

Yes it would be nice with some information/tracking about the process, so in case any error occur we can locate where to the problem is.
Is there any other kind of error handling in Aspose.PDF?



A feature request as PDFNET-55485 has been logged in our issue tracking system for further investigation of this requirement. We will let you know as soon as it is resolved. Please spare us some time.

The API throws exception in case some errors occur during conversion or PDF processing. It also generates log while converting PDF to PDF/A that contains error that occur during the conversion. Can you please explain what type of error handling are you looking for?