Transforming 3D shapefile geometryto 2D

Is it possible to easily convert a 3D geometry to a 2D representation? When I open a dataset from a 3d shapefile and start processing the features, I am trying to convert the geographies from the shapefile’s SRS to WGS84, but it throws the error shown in the attached image.

I assume this is because it is trying to transform from a 3d projection to a 2d projection. Is there a way to properly do this or is that not supported?

image.png (2.6 KB)

3d Shapefile (16.9 KB)

I am running Aspose.GIS version 19.7.1.

Hi, @jstoneb3insight

Thank you for sharing the issue report.

We have reproduced this problem and created a ticket GISNET-1249. We will notify you here as we will have progress with it. Please let me know if you experience any other problems.

Hello, @jstoneb3insight

Aspose.GIS 22.1 for .NET has been released. This release includes the fix for GISNET-1249.

Best regards.