Transparent Image looses transparency while converting PPTX to PDF using Aspose.Slides for Java

Dear Aspose Team,

I have a pptx slide with an image on it which is made semi-transparent by Color --> New Coloring --> Transparent. When I save the pptx file as pdf, the transparency is lost and the image is rendered as original image without the transparency filter.

Presentation p = new Presentation("data/input/" + inFile);
	String pdfFile = "data/output/pdf/" + inFile.substring(0, inFile.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".pdf";, SaveFormat.Pdf); (176.9 KB)

How can I save the pptx file as pdf without loosing the transparency filter?
Would be happy about any hints!

Best regards,


I have worked with the sample code shared by you and have been able to observe the issue. An issue with ID SLIDESJAVA-37405 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.