Trouble applying license


I am using aspose barcode for reporting services and I am having big problems applying the license file. We used the demo version to develop and everything worked well - so we decided to get a license.

We are on Reporting Services 2005 and .Net 2.0. I need the Barcode in a Report Header, so I had to use this code in the Report to make that possible:

Private Shared isLicense As Boolean = False

Public Function GetBarCodeImage(ByVal code As String) As Byte()

If Not isLicense Then
Dim license As Aspose.BarCode.ReportingServices.License = New Aspose.BarCode.ReportingServices.License
isLicense = true
End If

objBarCode.CodeText = code
objBarCode.SymbologyType = Aspose.BarCode.ReportingServices.Symbology.Code39Standard
objBarCode.CaptionAbove.Visible = false
objBarCode.CaptionBelow.Visible = false
objBarCode.BarHeight = 3
objBarCode.xDimension = .05
objBarCode.Margins.Left = 0
objBarCode.Margins.Right = 0
objBarCode.Margins.Top = 0
objBarCode.Margins.Bottom = 0
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream
return ms.GetBuffer()
End Function

This works perfectly when I do not apply the license - as soon as I do, I only get a missing image icon in the report instead of the barcode.

The license is copied to the same folder as the barcode Dlls.

I have been able to retrive the exeption that is thrown when my code tries to apply the license for the barcode component:

Request for the permission of type ' mscorlib version' ...... failed.

Any ideas?

Hi SvenM,

Could you please provide the following files to us for tracing the problem?

1. Your license file

2. The report definition files and source code

3. The log files of SSRS, you can find them in folder “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\LogFiles”

4. The configuration files: rssrvpolicy.config and rsreportserver.config
