Trouble reading bar code of image

we have a very old version of Aspose.BarCode and we are having issues if the barcode in the image is skewed in any way.

Would upgrading to the latest version help with this?

bar-code-test-1a.jpg (290.5 KB)

No bar code is found in this file. The code that I wan to find is the ISO70121475

for this image, I edited in an image of the bar code, and the code is found.
bar-code-test-2u.jpg (181.6 KB)


The latest version of Aspose.Barcode for .NET 18.7 is able to read the BarCode from both of these images. Please try it with the latest version of API and let us know your feedback.

I have updated our project with the latest version. I installed via NuGet package manager and I am still not able to read the bar code from the image.

How were you able to read it? Can you provide a code sample with what you used?


Following code sample has been used. You can check the output here.

BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("180901\\bar-code-test-1a.jpg");

while (reader.Read())
    // Read symbology type and code text
    Console.WriteLine("Symbology Type: " + reader.GetCodeType());
    Console.WriteLine("CodeText: " + reader.GetCodeText());