Troubles with russian text replacing in pdf document

Hello i tried to replace text in pdf, but it seems that pdf.kit dont work with russian culture e.g.

        static void Main(string[] args)
License l = new License();

byte[] data = OpenFile(@“D:\pdfTest.pdf”);
	    //ReplaceText(“текст”, “русский текст”);
ReplaceText(“Decimal”, “русский текст”);
        public static void ReplaceText(string source, string replace)
PdfContentEditor pce = new PdfContentEditor();
pce.ReplaceText(source, replace);

In first (commented) string ReplaceText(“текст”, “русский текст”); 
i tried to replace russian text with another russian text, 
but nothing happend at all, no replacement take effect.

Then with second string i tried to replace english text with russian 
text, at that point he found text needed, but replacement value was 
totaly incorrect. Instead of value needed PdfContentEditor replaced 
it with other symbols, like “«›ƒ”.

Is there any way of setting culture for pdf file or any other 
way to avoid this issue?
I have trial license, just in case if its matter.

Hi Alexandr,

I have reproduced both of these problems and logged them as PDFKITNET-19917 and PDFKITNET-19919 in our issue tracking system. Our team will look into these issues and you’ll be updated via this forum thread once they are resolved.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 19917;19919) have been fixed in this update.

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