Try to Remove a Page from a PageCollection

Hello Aspose,

I tried to remove a page from a Document.PageCollection:
Aspose.Pdf.PageCollection.Remove(Page item)

It throws a NotSupportedException always.
If this API exists, why is it not supported?

In my situation I want to remove an empty page before rendering it.
Is there any workaround?



To remove a page from a PageCollection in Aspose.PDF, you should use the Delete method instead of trying to remove a page directly with the Remove method, which is not supported and can lead to a NotSupportedException.

Here’s how you can delete a specific page from a PDF document:

C# Example

using System;
using Aspose.Pdf;

namespace Aspose.Pdf.Examples
    public class DeleteParticularPage
        public static void Run()
            // Load the PDF document
            Document pdfDocument = new Document("path/to/your/document.pdf");

            // Delete the specific page (e.g., page 2)

            // Save the updated PDF document
            Console.WriteLine("Particular page deleted successfully.");

Java Example

import com.aspose.pdf.Document;

public class DeleteParticularPageFromThePDFFile {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Load the PDF document
        Document pdfDocument = new Document("path/to/your/document.pdf");

        // Delete the specific page (e.g., page 3)

        // Save the updated PDF document"path/to/your/updated_document.pdf");
        System.out.println("Particular page deleted successfully.");

In these examples, replace "path/to/your/document.pdf" with the actual path to your PDF file. The Delete method allows you to specify the page number you want to remove, and it will effectively delete that page from the document.

If you want to remove an empty page specifically, you can check if the page is empty before calling the Delete method. This approach should help you achieve your goal without encountering the NotSupportedException.

For more details, you can refer to the examples provided in the Aspose documentation here and here.

[1]: DeleteParticularPage.cs

Then I propose to remove this missleading API.


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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-58852

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