Trying Aspose Word Android


I want to evaluate if Aspose fits our need. So I did

1- Download the Aspose.Words for Android Examples (DocumentViewer)
2- Download
3- Then I’ve copied the Aspose.Words.1.9.0.jdk16.jar in the example lib folder:
4- Open the documentviewer project in eclipse (with adt) using :

Android/Existing Android Code Into Workspace.

I have the following compilation errors (see image):

Apparently an issue importing com.aspose.words.Document and com.aspose.words.License

What can I do to fix it ?

Hi Maude,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please create the directory with name libs inside DocumentViewer directory to fix this issue. Please check the attached image for detail.

Please feel free to ask if you have any question about Aspose.Words, we will be happy to help you.

Thanks it worked fine.

Now I have the following error:

Hi Maude,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please try the following code snippet to set the license.

License lic = new License();
InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(gLicenseFile.getAbsolutePath());

Please let us know if you still face any issue.