Trying to get contact calender from gamil using aspose email java 21.2

hi i m trying to get gmail contact and calender but cannot find any support could you please guide us with it, we are using easpose email java 21.2

Thank you for your request. It will take me a while to find out. I will inform you of this information later.

Thank you for your patience. You can use the next API for Google mail:

We will add documentation for these classes describing how to work with Google mail later.

i need documentation on how to authenticate with gmail server and access calender and contact i cannot find any sample code in java

To my regret, we do not have such documentation for Java yet. If it helps, you can look at the documentation for .NET: Programming with Gmail.
Java documentation will be added later.

the code provided are in csharp can you please check and provide correct link

Similar documentation for Java is not ready yet. We will publish it later.