Two column Word documents

Related post to my last one… I am building a phonebook-style doc with Aspose.Words and would like each page to be split into two columns. I have read that Word does not really have a notion of columns but instead rows and cells.

But how would I use rows and cells in such a way that the content would “flow” from column 1 to column 2 on the first page…then go back to column 1 then column 2 on the second page…and so on for dozens of pages?

When I think of rows and cells in HTML, your content goes into one cell or the other. It does not flow from cell 1 to cell 2, ever. And hence it certainly does not do so intelligently on the same page, only to flow back to cell 1 on the next page, then cell 2…then cell 1 on the following page, and so on.

If there is an example or tutorial you could point me to, I’d be appreciative.


Hi Neil,

Thanks for your inquiry. In your last post, I suggest you a solution of TOC (table of contents). It would be great if you please share some more detail about your query. You may create a sample MS Word document which describe the complete scenario of your query. We will share the sample code according to your requirements.

TextColumn Class represents a single text column in Word document. Please check following code example for your kind reference.

DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();
TextColumnCollection columns = builder.PageSetup.TextColumns;
// Show vertical line between columns.
columns.LineBetween = true;
// Indicate we want to create column with different widths.
columns.EvenlySpaced = false;
// Create two columns, note they will be created with zero widths, need to set them.
// Set the first column to be narrow.
TextColumn c1 = columns[0];
c1.Width = 100;
c1.SpaceAfter = 20;
// Set the second column to take the rest of the space available on the page.
TextColumn c2 = columns[1];
PageSetup ps = builder.PageSetup;
double contentWidth = ps.PageWidth - ps.LeftMargin - ps.RightMargin;
c2.Width = contentWidth - c1.Width - c1.SpaceAfter;
builder.Writeln("Narrow column 1.");
builder.Writeln("Wide column 2.");
builder.Document.Save(MyDir + "PageSetup.ColumnsCustomWidth Out.doc");