Unable to construct Record

Unable to construct record instance, the following exception occured: Unable to construct record instance, the following exception occured: Read wrong number of bytes from Escher record.

at Aspose.PowerPoint.ppt.j.a(Int16 A_0, Int16 A_1, Int32 A_2, Byte[] A_3)
at Aspose.PowerPoint.ppt.j.a(Stream A_0)
at Aspose.PowerPoint.Presentation…ctor(s fs)
at Aspose.PowerPoint.Presentation…ctor(Stream stream)
at Aspose.PowerPoint.Presentation…ctor(String file)
at PDFTest.Form1.processPowerPoint() in c:\PDFTest\Form1.vb:line 148

Dear Telly,

Thank you very much for the PPT. Bug with escher record was fixed.
Please check new hot fix 1.2.10. All hot fix announces were moved to the blog.