Unable to convert DWF to PNG file using .Net


We are getting below exception when trying to convert dwf to png file.

Exception thrown: ‘Aspose.CAD.CadExceptions.ImageLoadException’ in Aspose.CAD.dll

Here is the program I am using

using Aspose.CAD;
using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Dwf;
using Aspose.CAD.ImageOptions;
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(“Hello World!”);
string imgFileName = null;
int pageCount = 0;

            using (Aspose.CAD.Image image = Aspose.CAD.Image.Load("dwftest.dwf"))
                ImageOptionsBase imgOption = new PngOptions();
                pageCount = 1;
                FileStream fileStream = null;
                DwfImage dwfImage = (DwfImage)image;                  
                foreach (var page in dwfImage.Pages)
                    imgFileName = "TestDwf"  + "_" + pageCount + ".png";
                    fileStream = new FileStream(imgFileName, FileMode.Create);
                    using (MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream())
                        CadRasterizationOptions options = new CadRasterizationOptions
                            Layouts = new string[] { page.Name }

                        options.PageHeight = image.Height * 300;
                        options.PageWidth = image.Width * 300;
                        imgOption.VectorRasterizationOptions = options;

                        image.Save(imageStream, imgOption);
                        Console.WriteLine("Convert>>result file>>" + imgFileName);

                        // Close stream


        catch (Exception e)



Attached is the dwftest.dwf file we are using.dwftest.zip (58.8 KB)



I have worked with the DWF file shared and have been able to observe the issue. An issue with ID CADNET-977 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be automatically notified once the issue will be fixed.


I see the status of this issue is closed. But I do not see the latest Aspose.CAD version available in Nuget packages. Please advise.



The issue has been marked as resolved for upcoming Aspose.CAD for .NET 20.1. We request for your patience till the time the product is available online.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CADNET-977) have been fixed in this update.