Unable to Convert the PPTX File to ODP File in Java. Throws KeyNotFoundException

Team we are getting the below exception while converting the pptx file into odp file. Exception is

Exception : class com.aspose.slides.exceptions.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
com.aspose.slides.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.get_Item(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.k8l.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.btw.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.ok.mh(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.ok.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.n7g.mh(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.n7g.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.n7g.mh(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.n7g.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.n7g.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.x8v.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.xg.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.xg.mh(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.in6.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.a9q.kp(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.a9q.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.Presentation.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.Presentation.ii(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.slides.Presentation.save(Unknown Source)

Our sample code is

InputStream is = new FileInputStream(pptxFilePath);
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(is);
presentation.save(output, SaveFormat.Odp);  

JDK version : 11.0.19
OS version : CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611
Aspose slides jar : aspose-slides-23.9-jdk16.jar

Also attached the pptx file which we are trying to convert into odp file. Kindly check this and help us to resolve
ODP Issue Slide.zip (2.9 MB)

Thank you for contacting support. I reproduced the problem you described.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SLIDESJAVA-39429

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

But please note that the presentation file you provided is corrupted and PowerPoint from Office 365 couldn’t open it. repair.png (10.1 KB)


Sorry for the delay in the response. It seems file has been corrupted during the compression of the .pptx file into .zip. Kindly check now the attached file and help us to resolve the issue.
apsose odp Issue.zip (729.5 KB)

Thank you for the sample file. I’ve forwarded it to our development team.