Unable to download 22.1 from repository.aspose.com

It appears that 22.1 is missing/incompletely published on repository.aspose.com.

Starting from the artifact metadata page (https://releases.aspose.com/words/java/), the Download link in the top right corner https://releases.aspose.com/words/java/ leads nowhere. Gradle is also unable to find what it needs:

   > Could not find com.aspose:aspose-words:22.1.
     Searched in the following locations:
       - <https://repository.aspose.com/repo/com/aspose/aspose-words/22.1/aspose-words-22.1.pom>                 
     If the artifact you are trying to retrieve can be found in the repository but without metadata in 'Maven POM' format, you need to adjust the 'metadataSources { ... }' of the repository declaration.

By way of comparison, 21.12 works both via the Download link and Gradle.

@icsk Thank you for reporting the problem to us. I forwarded the problem to the responsible person. We will let you know once the repository is fixed.
For now, you can download the latest 22.1 version of Aspose.Words for Java from here.

Thanks. I can try that, but my build isn’t really set up for it. It looks like 22.1 isn’t on Maven Central either. Do you know when it might be fixed?

In the meantime, I can try to work around it by downloading the files manually. Do you know where I can get the harfbuzz plugin (aspose-words-22.1-shaping-harfbuzz-plugin.jar)? I wasn’t able to find any links to it from the download page you provided.

@icsk Please use the following repository to download the latest 22.1 version of Aspose.Words for Java:

    <name>Aspose Java API</name>

Once again, please accept our apologizes.

Hi there, https://releases.aspose.com/words/java/ is still not available

@avandenhoogen You can download Jar files from here.

Thanks @alexey.noskov, the URL https://releases.aspose.com/words/java/ seems to work with Gradle!