Unable to extract custom font text from pdf to html

Arial.pdf (727.1 KB)
CustomFont.pdf (708.8 KB)

I have 2 pdfs, one with Arial font and another 1 with custom font. When i convert the Arial pdf, i was able to get the html with the text extracted.

<div class="stl_ stl_02">
			<div class="stl_03">
				<img src="A-_files/img_01.png" alt="" class="stl_04" />
			<div class="stl_view">
				<div class="stl_05 stl_06">
					<div class="stl_01 stl_07" style="left:38.5393em;top:83.5323em;"><span class="stl_08 stl_09 stl_10" style="word-spacing:-0em;">Sip it. &nbsp;</span></div>

When i use the CustomFont pdf to convert, the text will be converted together with the image.

<div class="stl_ stl_02">
			<div class="stl_03">
				<img src=A-_files/img_01.png" alt="" class="stl_04" />

I am using .NET component and these are the settings. Anything that i missed that the conversion cant recognize the custom font? I already installed the custom font in my local machine.

 HtmlSaveOptions htmlOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
        htmlOptions.SplitIntoPages = true;
        htmlOptions.FixedLayout = true;
        htmlOptions.FontSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingModes.AlwaysSaveAsTTF;
        htmlOptions.RasterImagesSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsEmbeddedPartsOfPngPageBackground;
        htmlOptions.HtmlMarkupGenerationMode = HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlMarkupGenerationModes.WriteOnlyBodyContent;
        htmlOptions.SaveTransparentTexts = true;


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