Unable to extract mail body text and bcc from PST file

Hi Team,
I am building a tool using Aspose Email for python via .net.
I am unable to find a method that can extract mail body in plain text and bcc data.
Could someone please help me out with this?


Welcome to our community! Thank you for the query. You can extract the mail body as the plain text and Bcc data from messages in a PST file as below:

PersonalStorage personalStorage = PersonalStorage.FromFile(pstFilePath);
FolderInfo folderInfo = personalStorage.RootFolder.GetSubFolder("Inbox");

MessageInfoCollection messageInfoCollection = folderInfo.GetContents();
foreach (MessageInfo messageInfo in messageInfoCollection)
    Console.WriteLine("======================= next message =======================");
    Console.WriteLine("Subject: " + messageInfo.Subject);

    MapiMessage mapiMessage = personalStorage.ExtractMessage(messageInfo);

    MailConversionOptions options = new MailConversionOptions(); // set your options
    MailMessage mailMessage = mapiMessage.ToMailMessage(options);

    Console.WriteLine("Bcc: " + mailMessage.Bcc);
    Console.WriteLine("Plain text:\r\n" + mailMessage.Body);

More examples: Working with Messages in a PST File
API Reference: PersonalStorage Class, MapiMessage Class, MailMessage Class

Hi Andrey
Thanks for replying. Found a way to get them on both Java and C++. However, I am unable to find the same for python. Could you please help here?

Please take a look at the next code snippet for Python:

        messageInfoCollection = folderInfo.get_contents()

        for messageInfo in messageInfoCollection:
                print ("Subject: " + messageInfo.subject)

Documents: Aspose.Email for Python via .NET
Library: Python Email Library
Examples: Aspose.Email-Python-Dotnet / Examples

I searched whole of their repository on GitHub. Nothing seems to work. Currently, im able to extract sender name, recipient, subject, cc. In addition to these, I need to extract body, bcc and mail time in python which I am unable to.


It will take me a while to find out this information. I will answer you as soon as possible.

I added a ticket to our tracking system with ID EMAILNET-40248. Our development team will prepare a code example for you.


Thanks for the help!!

Hi @Andrey_Potapov ,
Could you please check if there is any updates on this?


I requested the code example from our development team for you. I will answer as soon as possible.

A post was split to a new topic: Extract body, to, from the .pst files using python