Unable to extract metadata from .mpx and .mpd files

Dear Aspose Team,

I am not able to extract the information from the project planning documents. I am sending you the attached project planning documents, please check.

Thanks & Regards,
N.Murali Krishna.

Hi Murali,

Thank you for writing to Aspose support team.

I have checked the “b4ubuild_sample.MPX” in Microsoft Project (MSP) 2010 and observed that it raises many exceptions before opening it, which shows that this file has some errors. Here another sample MPX file is tested and it is opening fine. Could you please provide us an error free sample file which can be used here to re-produce the scenario?

Regarding the “mpp9resource.mpd” file, its an old format and since 2007, MSP no longer saves in this format. I am afraid that this format cannot be read using Aspose.Tasks.

Please feel free to write us back if you have any other query in this regard.

Hi Waquas,

Previously I was using mpxj for extracting metadata.You can search in Google for mpxj for .net. That was working fine even it has the errors in project file. As per my understanding our Aspose.Tasks should not throw any exception when there are any errors in the file.Plz suggest.

Thanks & Regards,
N.Murali Krishna.

Hi Murali,

1. The issue of exception raised while loading the MPX file has been logged as TASKS-34106 in our issue tracking system for further investigation by our product team. We’ll update you here as there is some information available in this regard.

2. At present, we do not support reading project data from Microsoft Project DB. An issue with id TASK-34081 is already logged in our issue tracking system for implementation by our product team. However, it is currently pending for analysis and implementation and we’ll notify you here once there is some information available about this feature.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKS-34081;TASKS-34106) have been fixed in this update.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.