Unable to extract Reciever information from Message

Dear Aspose Team,

I am trying to extract a message from a pst file and want to extract sender and receiver information from the MapiMessage.

The use case is, a message can be sent to user1@google.com & user2@google.com, but when I took user1’s pst file for extracting the outlook message, then for that message the receiver (or) owner will be user1@google.com. I have searched through all most all the properties and header properties as well. Since I did not find this information I am writing this query.

I am sending a text document which we have extracted metadata using another third party library not Aspose :), in that it has given the Receiever information correctly as murali.n@comakeit.com, you can search for the Receiver property in the text document.

For troubleshoot purpose I am sending the outlook message as well.

Please answer the question ASAP.

Thanks & Regards,
N.Murali Krishna.

Hi Murali,

Thank you for contacting Aspose support team.

Please use following code to retrieve the required information and let us know the feedback.

static void Email_639049()
MapiMessage mapi = MapiMessage.FromFile(“98991B4D724051A7927667C8D2529FB2.MSG”);
if (mapi.Properties.Contains(MapiPropertyTag.PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME_W))
MapiProperty prop = mapi.Properties[MapiPropertyTag.PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME_W];
String data = prop.GetString();

Hi Muhammad,

Thanks for the response. I will try the code once I reach home, but my suggestion is if you make it as a property inside the MapiMessage and MailMessage classes it will be useful for the users.

I hope already you guys are maintaining the sender information in those classes.

Thanks & Regards,
N.Murali Krishna.

Hi Murali,

Please test the shared sample code at your end as per your convenience. We’ll discuss the possible availability of these as properties in MapiMessage and MailMessage classes with our Product team and share the feedback here with you.