Unable to get email's timezone information from the mailbox

While reading mails from the Outlook(Office365). And trying to read MailMessage.getDate() or getLocalDate() is returning the date in the timezone of the server on which the application is deployed. I would like to get the Date in the timezone of the mailbox configured. Or atleast the timezone information in which the mailbox is configured to. Please suggest some way to implement this.


We need to investigate this requirement on our end. A ticket with ID EMAILJAVA-34766 has been created in our issue trackig system to further invesigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

Thanks for the response.
Just explaining my requirements:
While reading the mails from Outlook(Office365) account in the Java program can we get:

  1. The timezone of the sender’s email in the MailMessage class (if there is someother way also that would do) or
  2. Timezone the mailbox is running in.
    1st is a preferred solution but 2nd will also do.


I have associated information in our issue tracking system and we will share feedback with you as soon as the issue will be fixed.