Unable to Get Required Order while Extracting Texts from PPTX


We are trying to extract texts from pptx using this link Extract Text from Presentation|Aspose.Slides Documentation as a reference. we have modified our code to store the extracted texts into a text file

However, when we extract texts, the title of the slide appears in between instead of at the top of text file. Also, the order in which they appear in pptx file is not maintained in the text filestest3.zip (63.5 KB)

Attached both input and output text files.

Please suggest


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The shape containing the “What’s next?” title is not the first shape on the slide. So its text is placed according to its order. The following simple code example will help you verify this:

var presentation = new Presentation("test3.pptx");
var thirdSlide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(2);

// Print shape names in order.
for(var shape : thirdSlide.getShapes()) {


Diagram 1
Title 4
Text Placeholder 7
Slide Number Placeholder 8
TextBox 10
TextBox 13
TextBox 14
TextBox 16
TextBox 11
TextBox 12

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