Unable to load PPTx file

Getting "Not a Powerpoint 2007 presentation" exception when attempting to load/open the attached PowerPoint 2007 file using Aspose.Slides 4.4.8 with following ...

Using blobStream As New IO.MemoryStream(fileData)

Dim pptDoc As New Aspose.Slides.Pptx.PresentationEx(blobStream)

Hello Dear,

I have worked with the presentation file shared by you and have been able to observe the issue shared. An issue with ID 24308 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has also been linked with the issue so that you may be automatically notified once the issue is resolved. Morever, I opened the shared presentation in PowerPoint and re-saved that, I was then able to access the presentation successfully. Can you please share some details about the presentation that how and by which PowerPoint version it has been generated.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

According to the author…

Version 2010. I’m not aware of any special features. It’s just pictures on slides.

Hello Dear,

Thanks for sharing the added piece of information. We shall investigate the issue and will share our findings with you once the issue is resolved.

Thanks and Regards,

Hello Dear,

I like to share that our development team has scheduled the shared issue for mid of April. I will share further information with you as soon as they are shared.

Thanks and Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 24308) have been fixed in this update.

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